पाषाणः [pāṣāṇḥ] [पिनष्टि पिष् संचूर्णने आनच् पृषो˚
[Tv.] ] A stone.
णी A small stone used as a weight.
A spear.-Comp.
-गर्दभः a hard swelling on the maxillary joint.
-चतुर्दशी N. N. of a festival on the 14th day of the month of Mārgaśīrṣa, when the sun is in the वृश्चिकराशि, in honour of Gaurī. In this festival sweet balls shaped like a पाषाण are prepared.
-दारकः, -दारणः a stonecutter's chisel.
-शीला a flat stone.
-सन्धिः a cave or chasm in a rock.
-हृदय a. a. stonehearted, cruel, relentless.