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पिंडास खिळणें

Script: Devanagari
See also:  पिंडास जडणें , पिंडास बसणें , पिंडास लागणें

पिंडास खिळणें

A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   piṇḍāsa basaṇē-ṃlāgaṇē-ṅkhiḷaṇē-ñjaḍaṇēṃ g. of o. To stick closely to; to follow to the death;--used of the adherence of a disagreeable fellow or continuance of some affliction or pressure. पिंडीं तें ब्रह्मांडीं Whatever is in the body is in the universe at large; man is a microcosm. The phrase agrees also with आपणावरून जग ओळखावें From thyself learn the whole world. पिंडे पिंडे मतिर्भिन्ना तुंडे तुंडे सरस्वती Quot homines tot sententiæ.

पिंडास खिळणें

   चिकटलेला असणें
   सदोदित जवळ असणें
   न सुटणें.

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