पीडा [pīḍā] [पीड् भावे भिदा˚ अङ्] Pain, trouble, suffering, annoyance, molestation, agony; आश्रमपीडा
[R.1.37] 'disturbance', 71; मदन˚, दारिद्र्य˚ &c.
Injury, damage, harm; मूढग्राहेणात्मनो यत् पीडया क्रियते तपः
[Bg.17.] 19;
[Ms.7.169.] Devastation, laying waste.
Violation, infringement.
Pity, compassion.
A chaplet, garland for the head.
The Sarala tree.
A basket. -Comp.
-कर a. a. troublesome, painful.
-करणम् torturing.
-गृहम् house of correction.
-भाज् a. a. showing wavy marks of pressure.-स्थानम् (In astrol.) inauspicious distance (of a planet).