Dictionaries | References भ भ्रंश { bhraṃśḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भ्रंश A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | Falling; but esp. used in figurative senses; e.g. falling from eminence, dignity, power, caste; mental aberration, wildness and wandering of the mind or thoughts; moral aberration, deviation from rectitude. Some compounds are बुद्धिभ्रंश, ज्ञानभ्रंश, गतिभ्रंश, वैराग्यभ्रंश, शांतिभ्रंश. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भ्रंश Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | m Falling. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भ्रंश महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | पु. पतन ; पडणें ; गळणें .( ल . ) अपकर्ष ; र्हास ; नाश ; च्युत होणें ( महत्त्व , दर्जा , जात , सत्ता इ० पासून ) चळ ; वेड ; खूळ . जसें - बुद्धि - ज्ञान - वैराग्य - शांति - भ्रंश . [ सं . ] भ्रंशणें सक्रि . ( काव्य ) घोटाळ्यांत पाडणें ; गोंधळविणें ; चुकविणें .एखाद्यास त्याच्या स्थानावरुन च्युत करणेंभ्रंशणें अक्रि . गोंधळणें ; बुचकळ्यांत पडणें .स्थानावरुन च्युत होणें ; भ्रष्ट होणें ; चुकणें ; भ्रम पावणें . कीं तपोबळें ऋद्धी । पातलिया भ्रंशे बुद्धी । - ज्ञा १ . १८८ .नष्ट होणें ; नाहींसें होणें . तिमिरावरुद्ध जैसें । दृष्टीचें तेज भ्रंशें । - ज्ञा २ . ५६ . भ्रंशित वि . ( विरु . ) भ्रष्ट पहा . [ सं . ] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भ्रंश A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | भ्रंश m. m. falling or slipping down or off, [Kālid.] देश-भ्° decline, decay. ruin, [Kām.] ; [Var.] (, ruin of a country) ROOTS:देश भ्° disappearance, loss, cessation, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. straying or deviating from, abandonment of (abl. or comp.), deprivation of (comp.), ib. (in dram.) a slip of the tongue (due to excitement), [Sāh.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भ्रंश The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | भ्रंशः [bhraṃśḥ] सः [sḥ] सः [भ्रंश् भावे घञ्] Falling off, dropping down, fall, slipping or falling down; सेहेऽस्य न भ्रंशमतो न लोभात् [R.16.74;] कनकवलयभ्रंशरिक्तप्रकोष्ठः [Me.2.] Decline, decrease, decay. Fall, destruction, ruin, overthrow. Running away. Disappearance. Losing, loss, deprivation; स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशः [Bg.2.63;] so जातिभ्रंश, स्वार्थभ्रंश. Straying, swerving, or deviating from. Abandoning, deserting. (In drama) A slip of the tongue (due to excitement).भ्रंश [bhraṃśa] स [s] न [n] (स) न a. (-नी f.) [भ्रंश्-ल्यु, ल्युट् वा] Throwing down. नम् The act of dropping down. Falling from, being deprived of, losing. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भ्रंश Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | भ्रंश m. (-शः) 1. Falling, declining from a height, or from propriety. 2. Falling from or off. 3. Decay, ruin. 4. Decline. 5. Loss. 6. Run- ning away. E. भ्रन्श् to fall, aff. घञ् . ROOTS:भ्रन्श् घञ् . Related Words भ्रंश overthrust fault strike fault depositional fault detachment fault fault breccia gravity fault vaginal cystocele scissor fault radial fault reverse fault rotary fault rotational fault extension fault fault basin fault block fault classification fault closure fault complex fault gouge fault mountain fault scarp fault set fault strike fault surface fault system fault trap fault wedge fault zone flexure fault fold fault hinge fault parallel faults bedding fault bedding-plane fault step fault sympathetic fault synsedimentary fault synthetic fault tangential fault tension fault torsion fault transform fault translatory fault transverse fault trough fault trtanscurrent fault underthrust fault block fault border fault branch fault live fault longitudinal fault low-angle fault diagonal fault distributive fault echelon fault lag fault lateral fault multiple fault norml fault oblique fault contemporaneous fault contraction fault cylindrical fault dead fault deformation fault pivotal fault postsedimentary fault prolapse of prepuce shear fault slip fault thrust fault left lateral fault growth fault wrench fault resequent fault line scrap reverse separation fault reverse slip fault rift valley fault right normal slip fault right separation fault right slip fault fault line scarp fault plane flaw fault heave of fault hing line fault peripheral fault strike separation fault strike slip fault tear fault trace slip fault translational fault diagonal slip fault dip fault dip separation fault dip slip fault double deformation fault lateralfault displacement Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP