मध्यम [madhyama] a. a. [मध्ये भवः म]
Being or standing in the middle, middle, central; पितुः पदं मध्यममुत्पतन्ती
[V.1.19;] मध्यमोपलम्
[Ki.9.2;] so मध्यमलोकपालः, मध्यमपदम्, मध्यमरेखा q. q. v. v.
Intermediate, intervening; नाप्नोद्योऽयं मध्यमः प्राणस्तानि ज्ञातुं दध्रिरे
[Bṛi. Up.1.5.21.] Middling condition or quality, mediocre; as in उत्तमाधममध्यम.
Middling, moderate; तेन मध्यमशक्तीनि मित्राणि स्थापितान्यतः
[R.17.58.] Middle-sized.
Neither youngest nor oldest, the middleborn (as a brother); प्रणमति पितरौ वां मध्यमः पाण्डवोऽयम्
[Ve.5.26;] ततोऽर्धं मध्यमस्य स्यात् तुरीयं तु यवीयसः
[Ms.9.112.] Impartial, neutral.
Mean (in astr.).
Belonging to the meridian.
मः The fifth note in music.
A particular musical mode.
The mid-land country; see मध्यदेश.
The second person (in grammar).
A neutral sovereign; धर्मोत्तरं मध्यममाश्रयन्ते
[R.13.7.] the middle-most prince; मध्यमस्य प्रचारं च विजिगीषोश्च चेष्टितम्
[Ms.7.155.] the middle character in plays.
The governor of a province.
An epithet of Bhīma; (cf. मध्वमव्यायोग).
मा The middle finger.
A marriageable girl, one arrived at the age of puberty.
The pericarp of a lotus.
One of the classes of heroines (Nāyikās) in poetic compositions, a woman in the middle of her youth; cf.
[S. D. 1.] A central blossom.
मम् The middle.
The waist; तदैव यन्न दग्धस्त्वं धर्षयंस्तनुमध्यमाम्
[Rām.6.111.24.] The defectiveness.
(In astr.) The meridian ecliptic point. -Comp.
-अङ्गुलिः the middle finger.
-आगमः one of the four Āgamas; Buddh.
-आहरणम् (in alg.) elimination of the middle term in an equation.
-उत्खातः a particular division of time.
-उपलः = मध्यमणिः q. v.; मध्यमोपलनिभे लसदंशौ
[Ki.9.2.] -कक्षा the middle courtyard.
-खण्डम् the middle term of an equation.
-गतिः (in astr.) the mean motion of a planet.
-ग्रामः (in music) the middle scale.
-जात a. a. middle-born.
-पदम् the middle member (of a compound). ˚लेपिन् m. a subdivision of the Tatpuruṣa compound in which the middle word is omitted in composition; the usual instance given is शाकपार्थिवः which is dissolved as शाकप्रियः पार्थिवः; here the middle word प्रिय is omitted; so छायातरु, गुडधानाः &c.
-पाण्डवः an epithet of Arjuna.
-पुरुषः the second person (in grammar).
-पूरुषः a mediocre person.-भृतकः a husbandman or cultivator (who works both for himself and his master or landlord).
-यानम् the middle way to salvation.
-रात्रः midnight.
-राष्ट्रकम् a variety of diamonds;
[Kau.A.2.11.29.] -रेखा the central meridian of the earth.
-लोकः the middle world, the earth. ˚पालः a king; तां ...... अन्वग्ययौ मध्यमलोकपालः
[R.2.16.] -वयस् n. n. middle age.
-वयस्क a. a. middle-aged.-संग्रहः intrigue of a middling character, such as sending presents of flowers &c. to another's wife; it is thus defined by Vyāsa: प्रेषणं गन्धमाल्यानां धूपभूषणवाससाम् । प्रलोभनं चान्नपानैर्मध्यमः संग्रहः स्मृतः ॥
-साहसः the second of the three penalties or modes of punishment; see
[Ms.8.] 138. (-सः,
-सम्) an outrage or offence of the middle class.
-स्थ a. a. being in the middle.