मि 1. (cf. √ 3.मा and मी) cl. 5. Ā. P. ([Dhātup. xxvii, 4] ) मिनो॑ति, मिनुते (pf. P. मिमाय, मिम्यु॑, [RV.] , ममौ, Gr. ; Ā. मिम्येGr. aor. अमासीत्, °स्त, ib.; Prec. मीयात्, मासीष्ट, ib.; fut. माता, मास्यति, °ते, ib.; p. मेष्यत् [?] [AitBr.] ; ind.p. -मित्य, ib., -मायGr. ), to fix or fasten in the earth, set up, found, build, construct, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ŚrS.] ; to mete out, measure, [VarBṛS.] ; to judge, observe, perceive, know, [MāṇḍUp.] ; [MBh.] ; to cast, throw, scatter, [Dhātup.] : Pass. मीय॑ते ( aor. अमायिGr. ), to be fixed &c., [AV.] : Caus. मापयति ( aor. अमीमपत्) Gr. : Desid. मित्सति, °ते, ib. : Intens. मेमीयते, मेमयीते, मेमेति, ib.मि 2. See √ मी.