वर्तन [vartana] a. a. [वृत्-ल्यु ल्युट् वा]
Abiding, living, staying, being &c.
-नः A dwarf.
नी A road, way.
Living, life.
Pounding, grinding.
Sending off, despatching.
A spindle.
नम् Living, being.
Staying, abiding, residing.
Action, movement, mode or manner of living; स्मरसि च तदुपान्तेष्वावयो- र्वर्तनानि
[U.1.26;] (the word may here mean 'abode or residence', also).
Living on, subsisting (at the end of comp.).
Livelihood, maintenance, subsistence; तैरेवास्य कलेः कलेवरपुषोव दैनंदिनं वर्तनम्
[Bv.1.13.] Turning round, revolving.
Rolling on, moving about.
A means of subsistence, profession, occupation.
Conduct, behaviour, proceeding.
Wages, salary, hire.
Commerce, traffic.
A globe, ball.
Application of; colouring; निहितमलक्तवर्तनाभिताम्रम्
[Ki.1.42.] An oftentold word.
Decoction. -Comp.
-विनियोगः salary, wages.