Dictionaries | References


   { vṛddhiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  बढ़ने या बढ़ाने की क्रिया   Ex. इस साल कंपनी की बिक्री में बहुत अधिक वृद्धि हुई है ।; लोगों ने विद्युत दरों में वृद्धि के विरोध में बिजली के बिल को जलाने की चेतावनी दी है ।; भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत का संरक्षण एवं संवर्द्धन आवश्यक है ।
मूल्य-वृद्धि उछाल
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  वह बदलाव जो वृद्धि के रूप में हो   Ex. अगले महीने के लिए वृद्धि नियत है ।
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasاضافٕہ , ہُریر , تَرقی
urdترقی , گروتھ , بڑھوتری


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   ; interest or increment. 3 impurity arising to a household on the occasion of a birth in it. 4 increase of the digits of the sun or moon : also a lunar day commencing before one sunrising and ending after the next. 5 m The eleventh of the astronomical योग. 6 enlargement of the scrotum from hydrocele, spermatocele, or other affection.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  growth. increment.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  बढने वा बढाउने क्रिया   Ex. यस वर्ष कम्पनीको बिक्रीमा धेरै वृद्धि भएको
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृद्धि  f. 1.f. cutting off, abscission, [W.]
   (in law) forfeiture, deduction, ib.
वृद्धि  f. 2.f. (for 1. see p.1010) growth, increase, augmentation, rise, advancement, extension, welfare, prosperity, success, fortune, happiness, [RV.] &c. &c.
   elevation (of ground), [VarBṛS.]
   prolongation (of life), [Pañcat.]
   swelling (of the body), [Suśr.]
   enlargement of the scrotum (either from swelled testicle or hydrocele), ib.
   swelling or rising (of the sea or of the waters), waxing (of the moon), [MBh.]
   gain, profit, [R.] ; [Subh.]
कायिका वृद्धि   profit from lending money &c., usury, interest, [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; ---10--- (the various kinds of interest recognized by Hindū lawyers are, 1. , ‘body-interesti.e. either the advantage arising from the body of an animal pledged as security for a loan, or interest paid repeatedly without reducing the body or principal; 2. कालिका व्°, ‘time-interesti.e. payable weekly, monthly, annually, &c., but most usually computed by the month; 3. चक्रव्°, ‘wheel-interesti.e. interest upon interest, compound interest; 4. कारिता व्°, ‘stipulated interest’, at a rate higher than the usual legal rate; 5. शिखा-व्°, ‘interest growing like a lock of hairi.e. at a usurious rate payable daily ; 6. भोग-लाभ, ‘advantage [accruing to a creditor] from the use’ of objects handed over to him as security e.g. of lands, gardens, animals, &c.: ‘lawful interest’ is called धर्म-व्°, ‘usurious interestअ-न्याय-व्°, ‘interest at the highest legal rateपरम-व्°), ---11---
   the second modification or increase of vowels (to which they are subject under certain conditions e.g. is the वृद्धि of the vowel ; of , , and ; of , , and ; cf.2.वृद्ध and कृत-वृद्धि), ---12--- ; ---13--- ; ---14--- ; ---15---
   one of the 8 principal drugs (described as mild, cooling &c.; and a remedy for phlegm. leprosy, and worms), ---16--- ; ---17---
   also title or epithet).">N. of the 11th of the astrological योगs (or the योग star of the 11th lunar mansion), [L.]
वृद्धि-श्राद्ध   = , [GṛS.]
वृद्धि श्राद्ध
वृद्धि  m. m. (with भट्ट) also title or epithet).">N. of a poet, [Cat.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृद्धिः [vṛddhiḥ]   [वृध्-क्तिन्]
   growth, increase, augmentation, development; पुपोष वृद्धिं हरिदश्वदीधितेरनुप्रवेशादिव बालचन्द्रमाः [R.3.22;] तपोवृद्धि, ज्ञानवृद्धि &c.
   Waxing, increase of the digits of the moon; पर्यायपीतस्य सुरैर्हिमांशोः कलाक्षयः श्लाघ्यतरो हि वृद्धेः [R.5.16;] [Ku.7.1.]
   increase in wealth, prosperity, affluence; वृद्धिकाले तु संप्राप्ते दुर्जनोऽपि सुहृद्भवेत् [Pt.2.112.]
   success, advancement, rise, progress; परवृद्धिमत्सरि मनो हि मानिनाम् [Śi.15.1.]
   wealth, property.
   A heap, quantity, multitude.
   interest; as in सरलवृद्धि, चक्रवृद्धि &c.; वसिष्ठविहितां वृद्धिं सृजेद्वित्तविवर्धिनीम् [Ms.8.14.]
   usury; वृद्ध्या कृषिवणिक्त्वेन... स्वाध्यायगणितं महत् [Mb.12.62.9.]
   profit, gain.
   enlargement of the scrotum.
   extension of power or revenue.
   (In gram.) The increase or lengthening of vowels, the change of अ, इ, उ, ऋ, short or long, and लृ to आ, ऐ, औ, आर्, and आल् respectively.
   The impurity caused by child-birth in a family (called जननाशौच q. v.).
   cutting off.
   (In law) forfeiture (as of property).
   (वृधु हिंसायाम्) injury (पीडा); नुदेद्वृद्धिसमृद्धी स प्रतिकूले नृपात्मज [Mb.5.135.29.]
   elevation (of ground).
   prolongation (of life).-Comp.
-आजीवः, आजीविन्  m. m. a usurer, moneylender.
-जीवनम्, -जीविका   the profession of usury;-द a. promoting prosperity.
-पत्रम्   a kind of razor; [Suśr.]
-श्राद्धम्   an offering made to the manes on prosperous occasions, such as the birth of a son (नान्दीश्राद्ध).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृद्धि  f.  (-द्धिः)
   1. increase, augmentation in general, as in bulk, conse- quence, wealth, &c.
   2. The third of the three conditions or objects of regal power, extension of power or revenue, or any indication of progression.
   3. rise, ascending, mounting.
   4. prosperity, suc- cess.
   5. one of the eight principal drugs or medical roots, des- cribed as mild and cooling, sweet and bitter, &c., as a remedy for phlegm, leprosy and worms.
   6. The eleventh of the astronomical [Page685-a+ 60] Yogas, or yoga star of the 11th lunar mansion.
   7. A particular period or division of time.
   8. The increase of the digits of the sun or moon.
   9. enlargement of the scrotum, either from swelled tes- ticle or hydrocele or other morbid affections.
   10. interest, usury, especially returning the principal, (as in the case of seed corn lent,) with a proportionate increment.
   11. happiness, pleasure. 12. A heap, a quantity, assemblage, multitude.
   13. wealth, pro- perty.
   14. cutting off, abscission.
   15. (In law,) forfeiture, deduc- tion.
   16. profit, gain.
   17. The lengthening of a vowel, the subs- titution of आ, ऐ, औ, आर् and आल् for अ, इ, उ, ऋ and (short or long; in gram.)
   E. वृध् to increase, aff. कि, or क्तिन् or क्तिच् .
वृध् कि क्तिन् क्तिच् .

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