व्य्-अक्त aव्य्-अक्ति See cols. 2, 3. व्य्-अक्त mfn. bmfn. adorned, embellished, beautiful, [RV.] अम् n. caused to appear, manifested, apparent, visible, evident (, ind. apparently, evidently, certainly), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. developed, evolved (See below) -वाच् distinct, intelligible (See ) अ-व्यक्त perceptible by the senses (opp. to , transcendental), [MBh.] ; [BhP.] specified, distinguished, [L.] specific, individual, [L.] hot, [L.] wise, learned, [Lalit.] व्य्-अक्त m. m. heat, [L.] a learned man, [L.] an initiated monk, [Śīl.] ‘the manifested One’, N. of विष्णु, [MW.] of one of the 11 गणाधिपs (with जैनs) व्य्-अक्त n. n. (in सांख्य) ‘the developed or evolved’ (as the product of अ-व्यक्तq.v. ), [Sāṃkhyak.] (cf. [IW. 82] )