सं-धि mfn. mfn. containing a conjunction or transition from one to the other &c.,
[TBr.] सं-धि f. m. (exceptionally
f.; once in
[MBh.] loc. pl. संधीषु) junction, connection, combination, union with (
instr. ),
[KaṭhUp.] ;
[Subh.] association, intercourse with (
instr. ),
[MBh.] comprehension, totality, the whole essence or scope of (
comp. ),
[Pañcat.] agreement, compact,
[TBr.] सह alliance, league, reconciliation, peace between (
gen. ) or with (
instr. with or without ), making a treaty of peace, negotiating alliances (one of a king's six courses of action See
गुण; many kinds are specified
e.g. अदृष्ट-पुरुष,
q.v. ),
[Mn.] ;
[Yājñ.] ;
[Hit.] &c.
euphonic junction of final and initial letters in grammar (every sentence in
Sanskṛt being regarded as a euphonic chain, a break in which occurs at the end of a sentence and is denoted by a
विराम or
अवसान, ‘stop’; this euphonic coalition causing modifications of the final and initial letters of the separate words of a sentence and in the final letters of roots and stems when combined with terminations to form such words),
[Prāt.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
[Sāh.] contrivance, management,
[Ragh.] ;
[Daś.] place or point of connection or contact, juncture, hinge, boundary, boundary line,
[TS.] ;
[Āpast.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
critical juncture, crisis, opportune moment,
[MW.] a joint, articulation (of the body;
esp. applied to the five junctures of the parts of the eye),
[RV.] &c. &c.
interstice, crevice, interval,
[MBh.] the space between heaven and earth, horizon,
[ŚBr.] ;
[GṛŚrS.] सं-ध्या the interval between day and night, twilight (= ),
[VS.] &c. &c.
a seam,
[Amar.] a fold,
[Pañcat.] छिद् a wall or the hole or cavity or breach in a wall made by a housebreaker (
acc. with √ or
भिद् or
Caus. of
उत्-√ पद्, ‘to make a breach in a wall’),
[Mn.] ;
[Mṛcch.] ;
[Daś.] the vagina or vulva,
[L.] मुख a juncture or division of a drama (reckoned to be five,
viz. ,
विमर्श, and
q.v. ; or one of the 14 kinds of
निर्वहण or catastrophe),
[Bhar.] ;
[Daśar.] &c.
a period at the expiration of each
युग or age (equivalent to one sixth of its duration and intervening before the commencement of the next; occurring also at the end of each
मन्व्-अन्तर and
[W.] a pause or rest,
ib.a part, portion, piece of anything,
[AitBr.] ;
[Hariv.] ;
[Naiṣ.] Sch. a
partic. स्तोत्र,
[Br.] (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular,
ib.the common side of a double triangle,
[Śulbas.] सावकाश = ,
[L.] N. of a son of
[BhP.] सं-धि f. f.N. of a goddess presiding over junction or union,