सत्य mfn. amf(आ)n. true, real, actual, genuine, sincere, honest, truthful, faithful, pure, virtuous, good, successful, effectual, valid (सत्यं-√ कृ, ‘to make true, ratify, realise, fulfil’), [RV.] &c. &c. सत्य m. m. the uppermost of the seven लोकs or worlds (the abode of ब्रह्मा and heaven of truth; See लोक), [L.] N. of the ninth कल्प (q.v. ), [Pur.] the अश्वत्थ tree, [L.] N. of विष्णु, [L.] of राम-चन्द्र, [L.] of a supernatural being, [Gaut.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Hcat.] of a deity presiding over the नान्दी-मुखश्राद्ध, [L.] of one of the विश्वेदेवाः, [Cat.] of a व्यास, [Cat.] of a son of हविर्-धान, [BhP.] of a son of वितत्य, [MBh.] of one of the 7 ऋषिs in various मन्वन्तरs, [Hariv.] ; [Pur.] आचार्य (with ) N. of an astronomer (author of the होरा-शास्त्र), [VarBṛS.] pl. N. of a class of gods in various मन्वन्तरs, [Hariv.] ; [Pur.] सत्य n. n. truth, reality (सत्येन, ‘truly’, ‘certainly’, ‘really’; क॑स्मात् स॑त्यात्, ‘for what reason, how is it that?’ ते॑न सत्ये॑न, ‘for that reason, so truly’; यथा-तेन [or एवं] सत्येन, ‘as-so truly’; with Buddhists truth is of two kinds, viz. संवृति- and परमा-र्थ-सत्यम्, ‘truth by general consent’ and ‘self-evident truth’ [Dharmas. 95] ; for the four fundamental truths of Buddhists See, [MWB. 43; 56] ), [RV.] &c. &c. speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity, [KenUp.] ; [Mn.] ; [R.] &c. सत्यं चिकीर्षमाण a solemn asseveration, vow, promise, oath (, ‘wishing to fulfil one's promise or keep one's word’), [AV.] &c. &c. demonstrated conclusion, dogma, [W.] the quality of goodness or purity or knowledge, [MW.] -कृत the first of the four युगs or ages (= 1. q.v. ), [L.] a partic. mythical weapon, [R.] the uppermost of the 7 लोकs (See under m.), [Vedântas.] ; [BhP.] one of the 7 व्याहृतिs, [L.] partic. सत्य-formula, [ĀśvŚr.] उदक = , water, [Naigh. i, 12] प्रजापतेः (also with ) N. of सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.] ; [ŚrS.] सत्य b &c. See p. 1135, col. 3.