समान [samāna] a.
Same, one, equal, like, similar; नोप- गच्छेत् प्रमत्तोऽपि स्त्रियमार्तवदर्शने । समानशयने चैव न शयीत तया सह ॥
[Ms.4.4;] भुजे भुजंगेन्द्रसमानसारे
[R.2.74;] समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यम् Subhāṣ.
One, uniform.
Good, virtuous, just.
Common, general.
Middling, moderate.
Whole (as a number).
नः A friend, an equal.
One of five life-winds or vital airs, which has its seat in the cavity of the navel and is essential to digestion.
A letter having the same organ of utterance.
-नम् ind. Equally with, like (with instr.); जलधरेण समानमुमापतिः
[Ki.18.4.] -Comp.
-अक्षरम् N. N. of the vowels अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ॠ, and लृ (opp. संध्यक्षर).
having a common substratum.
being in the same category or predicament.
being in the same case-relation or government (in gram.); तत्पुरुषः समानाधिकरणः कर्मधारयः
[P.I.2.42.] ˚समास The कर्मधारय compound where the expressions are in apposition to one another; समानाधिकरणसमासस्तु बलीयान् । तत्र हि स्वार्थे शब्दौ वृत्तौ भवतः । ŚB. on
[MS.6.1.51.] (णम्) same location or predicament.
agreement in case, apposition.
a predicament including several things, a generic property.
common government.
-अधिकारः generic characteristic.
-अभिहारः A mixture of objects of the same kind; व्यवधानात् समानाभिहाराञ्च
[Sān. K.7.] -अर्थ a. a. having the same meaning, synonymous.-उदकः a relative connected by the libations of water to the Manes of common ancestors; this relationship extends from the seventh (or eleventh) to the thirteenth (or fourteenth according to some) degree; समानो- दकभावस्तु निवर्तेताचतुर्दशात्; see
[Ms.5.6] also.
-उदर्यः a brother of whole blood, uterine brother.
-उपमा a kind of Upamā; सरूपशब्दवाच्यत्वात् सा समानोपमा यथा । बालेवोद्यान- मालेयं सालकाननशोभिनी ॥
[Kāv.2.29.] -करण a. a. having the same organ of utterance (said of a sound). -कर्तृकa. (in gram.) having the same subject in a sentence.-कर्मक a. (in gram.) having the same object;
[P.111] 4.48.
-काल, -कालीन a. a. synchronous, simultaneous.-क्षेम a. balancing each other.
-गति a. a. agreeing together.
-गोत्र = सगोत्र q. v.
-जन्मन् a. a. of equal age;
[Ms.2.28.] -दुःख a. a. sympathiser.
-धर्मन् a. a. possessed of the same qualities, sympathising, appreciator of merits; उत्पत्स्यतेऽस्ति मम कोऽपि समानधर्मा
[Māl.1.6.] -प्रतिपत्तिa. of equal intelligence, judicious.
-मान a. a. equally honoured with.
-यमः the same pitch of voice.
-योगित्वम् being on a par with, being connected in the same way as; एवं द्रव्यैः समानयोगित्वं स्त्रीणाम् ŚB on
[Ms.6.1.1.] -रूपा a kind of riddle in which the same words are to be understood in a literal and figurative sense.
-वयस् a. a. of the same age.
-रुचि a. a. agreeing in tastes.
-शब्दत्वम् the state of being expressed or referred to by the same term; ऐकशब्द्यात् समानशब्दत्वादित्यर्थः ŚB. on
[MS.7.1.18.] -शील a. of a similar disposition; समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यम्
[H.] -सूत्रनिपाते ind. on the diametrically opposite side.-स्थानम् interposition.