हरि mfn. 1.mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) bearing, carrying (See दृति and नाथ-ह्°). हरि mfn. 2.mfn. (prob. fr. a lost √ हृ, ‘to be yellow or green’; for 1.हरि See above, col. 2) fawn-coloured, reddish brown, brown, tawny, pale yellow, yellow, fallow, bay (esp. applied to horses), green, greenish, [RV.] &c., &c. हरि m. m. yellow or reddish brown or green (the colour), [L.] a horse, steed (esp. of इन्द्र), [RV.] &c. &c. a lion, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. the sign of the zodiac Leo, [VarBṛS.] the sun, ib. हरि-नक्षत्र = , ib. a monkey, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. ([L.] also, a ray of light; the moon; Phaseolus Mungo; a jackal; a parrot; a peacock; the Koil or Indian cuckoo; a goose; a frog; a snake; fire) the wind or N. of वायु (god of the wind), [R.] of इन्द्र, ib. &c. हृ (esp. ) N. of विष्णु-कृष्ण (in this sense thought by some to be derived from √ , ‘to take away or remove evil or sin’), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. of ब्रह्मा, [TĀr.] of यम, [L.] of शिव, [L.] of शुक्र, [L.] of सु-पर्ण, [L.] of a son of गरुड, [MBh.] of a राक्षस, ib. of a दानव, [Hariv.] of a son of अकम्पन (or अनुकम्पन), [MBh.] of a son of तारकाक्ष, ib. of a son of पराजित्, [Hariv.] of a son of परावृत्, [VP.] of a worshipper of विष्णु, [BhP.] मिश्र of various authors and scholars (esp. of the poet भर्तृ-हरि as the author of the वाक्य-पदीय; also with , भट्ट, दीक्षित &c.), [Cat.] of a mountain, [VP.] हरि-वर्ष of a world (cf. ), [L.] of a metre, [Col.] of a partic. high number, [Buddh.] मनुष्याः pl. men, people (= ), [Naigh. ii, 3] a partic. class of gods under मनुतामस, [Pur.] हरि [cf. Lat. holus, helvus, fulvus; Lith. żálias, żélti; Slav. zelenŭ; Germ. gëlo, gelb; Eng. yellow.] हरि n. 3.ind. (for 1. See p. 1289, col. 2; for 2, ib., col. 3) an exclamation (‘alas!’), [MW.]