संधा [sandhā] 3 [U.]
To join, bring togethr, unite, combine, put together, compound, mix; यानि उदकेन संधीयन्ते तानि भक्षणीयानि [Kull.]
(a) To treat with, form friendship or alliance with, make peace with; शंत्रुणा न हि संदध्यात् सुश्लिष्टेनापि संधिना [H.1.88;] [Chāṇ.19;] [Kām.9.41.] (b) To unite in friendship, reconcile, make a friend of; सकृद्दुष्टमपीष्टं यः पुनः संघातुमिच्छति [Pt.2.] 33.
To fix upon, direct towards; संदधे दृशमुदग्रतारकाम् [R.11.69.]
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