अन्त्यावसायिन् mf.
ई, इनीmf. a man or woman of low caste (the son of a चाण्डाल by a निषादी, especially a चण्डाल, श्वपच, क्षत्तृ, सूत, वैदेहक, मागध, and आयोगव), [Mn. &c.]
अन्त्यावसायिन् mf. (
-यी-यिनी) A man or woman of low caste, especially one of seven classes: a Chandāla, a Swapacka or executioner, a Kshattā or insect hunter, a charioteer, a bard, and a Vaideha or attendant on women.
2. A man or a woman of a particular caste living by the chase. See
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