मथ् [math] See मन्थ्.
मथ् 1. or
मन्थ् (q.v. ) cl. 1. 9. P. ([Dhātup. xx, 18, iii, 5 and xxxi, 40] ) म॑थति, म॑न्थति, मथ्ना॑ति (Ved. and ep. also Ā. म॑थते, म॑न्थते and मथ्नीते; Impv. मथ्नध्वम्, [MBh.] ; pf. ममाथ, [AV.] ; 3. pl. ममथुः, [Vop.] ; मेथुः, मेथिरे, [Br.] ; ममन्थ, °न्थुः, [MBh.] ; aor. मथीत्, [RV.] ; अमन्थिष्टाम्, ib.; अमथिषत, [Br.] ; fut. मथिष्यति, °तेमन्थिष्यति, [Br.] &c.; मथिता, [MBh.] ; inf. मथितुम्, [MBh.] &c.; °तोस्, [Br.] ; म॑न्थितवै॑, [MaitrS.] ; ind.p. मथित्वा॑, -म॑थ्य, [Br.] &c.; मन्थित्वा, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 33] ; -मन्थ्य and -माथम्, [MBh.] &c.), to stir or whirl round,
[RV.] &c. &c.;
अग्निम्), to produce fire by rapidly whirling round or rotating a dry stick (
अरणि) in another dry stick prepared to receive it,
अरणिम्), to rotate the stick for producing fire,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] ;
[Pur.] ;
हस्तम् &c.), to use friction upon any part of the body with the object of producing offspring from it,
[Hariv.] ;
[BhP.] ;
to churn (milk into butter), produce by churning,
[TS.] &c. &c. (also with two
acc. e.g. सुधांक्षीर-निधिम् मथ्नाति, ‘he churns nectar out of the ocean of milk’
[Siddh.] on
[Pāṇ. 1-4, 51] );
to mix, mingle,
[Suśr.] ;
to stir up, shake, agitate, trouble disturb, afflict, distress, hurt, destroy,
[AV.] &c. &c.:
Pass. मथ्य॑ते (
ep. also
°ति), to be stirred up or churned &c.,
[RV.] &c. &c.:
Caus. मन्थयति (
[Lāṭy.] ),
माथयति (
[MBh.] ), to cause to be stirred up or churned &c.:
Desid. मिमथिषति,
मिमन्थिषतिGr. :
Intens. मामथ्यते,
मामन्त्ति &c.,
मथ् [
cf. Gk. μίνθη; Lat. mentha, menta; Lit. mentúre; Germ. minza, Minze; Angl.Sax. minte; Eng. mint.]
मथ् mfn. 2.mfn. (
ifc. ) destroying, a destroyer (cf. मधुमथ्)
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