Dictionaries | References

back-electromotive force

Script: Latin

back-electromotive force     

वित्तीय  | English  Marathi
 पु./अ.व. प्रतिविद्युतगामी बल घट
(back e.m.f.) cells
(also counter-electrootive force cells)
 पु./अ.व. प्रतिविद्युतगामी बल घट
(back e.m.f.) cells
(also counter-electrootive force cells)

back-electromotive force     

विरोधी विद्युतगामक बल
(abbr. back EMF)

back-electromotive force     

भूगोल  | English  Marathi
Elec.Eng.(an electromotive force which opposes the normal flow of current in a circuit - sometimes called counter e.m.f.) विरोधी विद्युतगामक (विरोधी इ.एम.एफ.)
= back e.m.f.

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