Dictionaries | References A A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit Monier-Williams's English-Sanskrit Dictionary (Published 1851) By. Monier-Williams, Monier Type: Dictionary Count : 28,237 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All Aide-de-Camp aider aidless ail ailing aim aimless air air-balloon air-bladder air-born air gun air hole airing air-pump air-shaft airy aisle ajar akin alabaster alack alacrity alamode alarm alarm bell alarmed alarming alarmist alarm-post alarum alas alb albatross albeit albion albugineous albugo album alchymical alchymist alchymy alcohol alcove alder alderman aldermanly ale ale-house ale-house-keeper alembic alert alertness algebra algebraical algid alibi aliegory alien alienable alienate alienated alienation alight alighted alike aliment alimental alimentariness alimentation alimony alive alkali alkaline all all-atoning allay allayed allayer all-bearing all-conquering allegation allege allegeable allegiance allegiant allegorical allegorically allegorise allegro alleviate alleviated alleviation alleviative alley all-glorious alliance allied alligate alligation alligator alliteration all-knowing all-loving all-maturing allodial alloo allot Allotment allow allowable Allowance allowed alloy alloyed all-penetrating all-pervading all-seeing all-sufficiency all-sufficient allude alluded allure allured allurement alluring alluringly allusion allusive alluvion alluvious all-wise ally almanac almanac-maker almightiness almighty almond almoner almonry almost alms alms-box alms-giver alms-giving alms-house alms-man aloe aloft alone along aloof aloud alphabet alphabetical alphabetically already also altar alter alterable alterage alteration alterative altercate altercation altered alternate alternation Alternative although altiloquence altisonant altitude altivolant altogether alum aluminous alvine always amain amalgam amalgamate amalgamation amanuensis amaranth amarantine amaritude amass amassed amassment amateur amatory amaze amazed amazedly amazement amazing amazingly amazon ambages ambassador ambassage amber ambergris amber-tree ambidexter ambient ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously ambit ambition ambitious ambitiously amble ambler ambrosia ambulate ambulation ambuscade ameliorate amelioration amen amenable amend amended amendment amends amenity amerce amerced amercement amethyst amiable amiableness amiably amicable amicableness amid amiss amity ammoniac ammunition amnesty among amorous amorously amount amphibious amphitheatre ample ampleness amplification amplify amplitude amply amputate amputated amputation amulet amuse amused amusement amuser an anabaptism anabaptist anachronism anagram analogical analogically analogy Analysis analyze anarchical anarchy anathema anathematize anatomical anatomically anatomise anatomised anatomist anatomy ancestor ancestors ancestral ancestry anchor anchorage anchorite anchovy ancient anciently ancientness ancients AND andante andiron androgynal anecdote anent aneurism anew angel angelical angelically anger angle angler angle-rod angling angling-line angrily angry anguish angular anhelation animadversion animadvert animadverted animadverter animal animalcule animate animation animator animosity anise anker ankle ankled anklet annalist annalize annals annates anneal annealing annex annexation annexed annexment annihilate annihilated annihilation anniversary annotate annotation annotator announce announced announcement announcer annoy annoyance annoyed annoyer annoying annual annually annuity annul annular annulet annulment annumerate annumeration annunciation anodyne anoint anointed anointer anointing anomalous anomalously anomaly anon anonymous anonymously another answer answerable answered ant antagonist antagonistic antalgic Antarctic ant-bear antecedent antecedently antediluvian antelope antemeridian antemundane antepast antepenultimate anterior anthem ant-hill anthonys fire anthropophagi antibilious antic anti-chamber anticipate anticipated anticipation anticlimax antidotal antidote antifebrile antimony antipathy antiphlegmatic antiphony antipodes antiquarian antiquary antiquated antique antiquity antiseptic antistes antithesis antitype antler antlered anus anvil anxiety anxious anxiously any aorist aorta apace apart apartment apathetic apathy ape apepsy aperient aperture apetalous apex aphorism aphrodisiac apiary apiece apish apishness apitpat apocalypse apocope apocrypha apocryphal apogee apologetic apologise apologist apologue apology apophlegmatic apophthegm apoplectical apoplexy apostacy apostate apostatize aposteme apostle apostleship apostolical apostrophe apostrophise apostume apothecary apothegm apotheosis appal appalled apparatus apparel apparelled apparent apparently apparition apparitor appeachment appeal appear appearance appease appeased appeasing Appellant | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit of 1851 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. 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