Dictionaries | References i ion Script: Latin Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion वैज्ञानिक | English Marathi | | पु. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion जीवशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. Chem. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion साहित्य समीक्षा | English Marathi | | पु. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion कृषिशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion वित्तीय | English Marathi | | पु. Chem. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion यंत्र अभियांत्रिकी | English Marathi | | पु. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion धातूशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. आयन Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ion भूगोल | English Marathi | | पु. Chem.(an atom or group of atoms when combined in a radical or molecule that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons) आयन Related Words negative ion vaancy positive ion vacancy acetate ion acetylium ion acylium ion ammonium ion amphoteric ion freshly formed ion gram ion ion zwitter ion sodium ion solvated ion reducing ion exchangeable ion excited ion fluoride ion hydrated ion hydration of ion hydrogen ion hydronium ion hydroxide ion hydroxyl ion oxalate ion oxidising ion permanganate ion phosphate ion tropylium ion carbonium ion lyate ion metastable ion dichromate ion dipolar ion electronegative ion iodate ion iodide ion ion bombardment ion cluster ion density ion exchange ion exchanger ion exclusion ion implantation ion layer ion migration ion mobility ion pair ion product ion spot ion trap lancashire ion negative ion nitrate ion nitronium ion counter-ion positive ion collector ion complex ion field ion microscopy h ion process hydrogen ion concentration hydrogen ion exponent hydronium ion concentration hydroxide-ion concentration paired-ion chromatography specific ion electrode trajectory of ion beak carrier ion complex metal-ion indicator metal ion redution diverse ion effect ion-activity reference standard ion beam deposition ion chamber current ion-collection system ion-dipole interaction ion-exchange chromatography ion exchange column ion exchange liquid ion exchange resin ion exchange resins ion exchanger reaction ion-exclusion chromatography ion-filtration chromatography ion microprobe mass analyser ion molecule reaction ion-selective electrode ion-selective electrodes counter-ion layer delay-type ion detector positive ion current common ion effect ion exchanger liquid membrane electrode ionic product redact hydrion genuflect vituperate zwitterion ommochrome Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP