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शब्दकोश - विकृतीशास्त्र
Type: Dictionary
Count : 4,042 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

Abatement of revenue   Abnormal charges   Abnormal delay   Abnormal features   Abnormal variation   Abnormal variation in the average   Abolition of post   Above average   Above par value   absence from duty   absentee allowance   absenteeism   absentee landlord   Absentee statement   absolute title   Absorbed   Absorption of post   Abstract   Abstract bill   Abstract contingent bill   Abstract of accounts   Abstract of Central cash account   Abstract of charges   Abstract of major head totals   abstract of objections   Abstract of receipts and expenditures   Abstract of State cash accounts   Academic qualifications   Acceptable security   Acceptance of debit   Acceptance of tender   Acceptance of transfer   Accepted for Rs. .... for debit to the following head of account   accessories   Accompaniments   According to allocation rules   According to the specification ordered   Account   Accountants' balance sheet   Accountant's book   Account balance   Account circle   account for   Account for under the head   Account holder   Accounting for losses   accounting procedure   Account of material   Account of quantities   Account of transactions   Accountrement charges   Accounts and returns   Accounts between different accounts circles   accounts code   Accounts control   Accounts form   Accounts of any perticular class or character   Accounts of commercial undertakings   Accounts of deposits and suspense transactions   Accounts of Reserve Bank of India remittances   Accounts of small coin depots   Accounts of States   Accounts of stores and stocks   Accounts of workshop suspense   Accounts relating to defence   Accounts return   Accounts should be thoroughly checked   Accounts with colonial Government   Accounts with Reserve Bank of India   Accrued income   Accumulated cash   Accuracy of budgeting   Accuracy of plus and minus memorandum   Achievements   Acknowladgement   Acknowladgement of the permanent advance   Acquit   Acquittance   Acquittance in support of payments should be obtained   Acquittance roll   Acreage rate   Act   acting   Acting allowance   Acting incumbent   Active partner   act or omission   Actual cash balance   actual cost   Actual credit   Actual expenses   Actual person in charge   Actuals   Actuals for the past three years   Actual shortage   Actual surplus   Actual trend of revenue or expenditure   added value   Additional   Additional and replacement reserve fund   Additional financial liability   Additional funds   Additional grant   Additional posts   Additional remuneration   Additions and alterations   Additions and alteration to treasury strong room   Additions to disbursement   Additions to receipts   Ad-hoc benifit   Ad-hoc increment   ad hoc treasury bills   ad infinitum   Adjudicate   Adjudication fees   Adjurnment application   Adjusting accounts between Central and State Governments   Adjusting entries   Adjusting heads   Adjustment   adjustment by transfer   Adjustment chalan   Adjustment of pensionary charges   Adjustment of transaction between differnt Governments   Adjustment register   administration of justice   administrative   Administrative and supervisory staff   Administrative approval   Administrative authority   Administrative body   administrative control   administrative convenience   Administrative department   Administrative efficiency   Administrative inconvenience   Administrative report   Admissible allowence   Admitted   Adopt   ad-valorem   ad-valorem duty   advance copy   Advanced   Advance for tour is permissible from permanent advance to Class IV Government servants   Advance hazard fund   Advance increment   Advance of pay   Advance on transfer   advance payment   Advance payment of tax   Advance repayble   Advances   Advances bearing interest   Advances for rest camps   Advances made and recovered   Advances not bearing interest   Advances of pay and travelling allowance   Advertisment charges   advice note   Advices of transfer debit   advisory committee   Aerodromes and air route service   Aeronautical communication service   aforesaid   age-limit   Agency basis   agency charges   Agency work   Agent for Government consignments   age of superannuation   Aggregate amount   Aggregate of repayble deposit   Aggregate pay   agrarian   Agreement   agreement bond   Agricultural commodity   agricultural economy   Agricultural improvement fund   agricultural income   Ahead of schedule   Aided hostel   Air freight   Alienation office   Allied data   All India average consumer price index   All India Civil list   All India Service   Allocated   Allocated area   Allocation   Allocation and physical targets   Allocation between capital and revenue heads   Allocation of expenditure   Allocation of pensionary charges   Allocation of the civil pay of the Government servent   Allotment   Allotment for loss by exchange   allotment letter   allotment of funds   Allotted grant   Allowance   Allowences and honoraria   Alterations   Alterations of pay   Alternative   Alternative nominee   amalgamate   Ambulance fee   amendment   Amenities reserve fund   Amortisation charges   Amortisation fund   Amortisation of the debt   Amount disbursed   Amount due   Amount met from reserve funds and deposit accounts   Amount of credit   Amount of leave   Amount of subscription deducted   Amount paybale   amount realised   Amounts transfered from ----   Amount surrendered   Amount written off   Analysis   Ancillary   Animal husbandary   annexure   Annual audit   Annual certificate of verification   Annual depreciation   Annual enquiry   Annual financial accounts   Annual financial statement   Annual increment   Annual maintenance estimate for the year    Annual outturn   Annual physical verification   Annual progress report   annual returns   Annual review   Annual sinking fund   Annual statement   Annual statement of balances   Annual stipend   Annual store return   annual verification   Annual verification of solvency   annuity   Annuity certificate   annuity fund   anomaly   antecedents   Antedated   antedated cheque   Anthropological survey   anticipated expenditure   Anticipated receipts   Anticipated recovery   Anticipated saving   Anticipation of a supplementary grant or appropriation   Anticipatory pension   Antiquiated   appeal   Appellant   Appellate authority   Appellate Controller of estate duty   Appended statement   appendix   Appliances   Appointing authority   appointment   Appointment of liabilities   apportionment   Appraisal   Apprentice   appropriate government   Appropriate head of account   Appropriate sanctioning authority   appropriation   appropriation account   Appropriation Act   Appropriation Bill   appropriation of funds   Appropriation to revenue reserve fund   Appropriation within the grant   Approval   Approved   Approved by Government   Approved rate   Approved service   approximate   arbitral tribunal   arbitration   Arbitrator   Arduous nature of duties   Arithmatical calculation   Arithmatical error   Arithmatical inaccuracy   Arms and accountments   Arrears   Arrears bills   Arrears claim   Arrears list   Arrears of pension   Arrears of posting   Arrears report   arrears statement   Article   Article should be allowed to stand on the register till it is written off the register   Ascertain by physical count   As per cash balance report   Assay fee   Assessable profits   assessee   assessment   assessor   assets   Assets and liabilities   assigned   Assigned policy   assignee   Assignment   Assignments and compensations   assignor   Asylum   at discount   at par   At premium   Attached offices   Attachment order   attest   attestation   Attestation or entries in the cash book   At the expense of Government   Auction proceeds   auction sale   Audit   audit board   Audit circle   Audit department   Audit enquiry   Audit Expenditure   Audit memorandum   audit note   Audit objections   Audit observations   Audit office   Auditor General's rules   Audit register   Audit report   Audit report on the accounts for 19---- 19----   Audit scrutiny   Audit staff   Augmentation   authenticate   authentic copy   authorisation   Authorisation certificate   Authorisation of appropriation   Authorisation of the Legislature   Authorised capital   Authorised dealer   availability   Availability of funds   average   average cost   Average expenditure   Average of the normal actuals   Average pay   Average pay statement   Average rate of the exchange   Average run per litre   Average salary   Aviation   Aviation ground facilities   Aviation receipts   Awaiting settlement   Backlog   Bad climate allowance   bad debt   Bail   balance   Balance at the credit of the subscriber   Balance chart   Balanced and fair salary plan   balance in hand   Balance of payments   Balance of the appropriation   Balance sheet   Balance the budget   Balance unspent   Bank balance register   Bank commission   Bank discount   bank-draft   Banking account   Banking business   Bank overdraft   Bank's scrolls   Bank treasury   base year   Basic levels of pay   Basic pay   Basic premium   basic salary   Basic year   Bearer bonds   bearer cheque   Belated entries   below par   Beneficiary   Benefit   Betterment levy   betting tax   Beyond New Service limit   Bill   Bill is accepted and accounted for under ----   Bill of exchange   bill of indemnity   Bill of lading   Bill register   birth-rate   Black listed shops   black-market   Blank cheque   Block development   block grant   Block level estimates   blue book   Boarding allowance   Boiler explosion insurance   Bombay Sub-Treasury Manual   Bombay Sugercane Cess Act   Bonafied payments   Bond   Bonded date   Bond of indemnity   bonus   Bonus on cumulative time deposit   Bonus share   book adjustment   book-balance   Book entry   book keeping   book maker   Book section   Book transfer   Book value   Boring operations   Borrow   Borrowed funds   Borrowing Government   Botanical survey   Bottlenecks in distribution   breach of contract   breakage   Break in service   break-up   Breeding operations   Bridge the gap   Broadcasting   broadcasting station   Broad gauge   Broad sheet   Broken period   brokerage   Brokerage account   Brokerage charges   Brokerage commission   Bronze and copper coinage accounts   brought forward   Brown Book   Budget   budget allotment   Budget appropriation   budgetary control   Budgetary irregularity   Budget calender   Budget demand   Budgeted deduct entry   budget estimates   Budget estimates of receipt and expenditure   Budget grant   Budgeting   Budget manual   Budget proposals   budget provision   Budget publication   Budget session   Budget speech   Budget year   buffer stock   Bulk purchase   Bullion   Bullion value of cut coins   Bunding receipts   Bureau of commercial intelligence including statistics   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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