NOT , adv. In absolute negation, denial, or refusal, ‘not’ is rendered by न, नो, ना, नहि. When prohibitive, by मा,मास्म, or sometimes by अलं or कृतं with instr. c. When privative, it is expressed by अ, अन्, निर्, वि prefixed; as, ‘there is not,’ नास्ति; ‘he will not go,’ न गमिष्यति; ‘do not go,’ मा गच्छ; ‘do not grieve,’ अलं शोकेन; ‘not regardful,’ अनपेक्षः -क्षा -क्षं, निरपेक्षः &c.; ‘not at all,’ अलेशं,न किञ्चिदपि; ‘not so,’ मैवं. In prohibitive phrases मा may be used with the 3d pret., the augment being cut off; as, ‘do not grieve’ माऽशोचीः; ‘do not fear,’ माऽभैषीः. The interrogative ‘is not?’ is rendered by ननु.
ROOTS: ननोनानहिमामास्मअलंकृतंअअन्निर्विनास्तिगमिष्यतिगच्छशोकेनअनपेक्षक्षाक्षंनिरपेक्षअलेशंकिञ्चिदपिमैवंमाऽशोचीमाऽभैषीननु