Dictionaries | References


Script: Latin


-चा, -ची, -चे
- संबंधी
- पैकी


Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English  Sanskrit
Of,prep. Gen. ex. by genitive or by comp.; ‘o. great strength’ महाबल.
2 (Showing reference) अधिकृत्य, उद्दिश्य (with acc.), or by गत in comp.; ‘by thinking o. her husband’ भर्तृगतया चिंतया.
3 (Made of) by Tat. comp.: or मय (यीf.), निर्मित in comp.; or by derivatives; ‘pot o. gold’ हेम- -पात्रं, हेममयं or हैमं पात्रं.
4 (Partitive sense) by gen. or loc., or मध्ये, मध्यात् with gen.
5 (Apposition) ex. by comp. or by नामind.; ‘the island o. Ceylon’ सिंहलद्वीपं, सिंहलं नाम द्वीपं.
6 (Showing cause) by instr. or abl.; ‘died o. fever’ ज्वरेण मृतः.


A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English  Sanskrit
OF , prep. expressed generally by the genitive case; as,
‘of me,’ मम;
‘of him,’ तस्य;
‘of that man,’ तस्य पुरुषस्य. It is frequently expressed by the crude form of a noun in the first member of a compound; as,
‘best of all,’ सर्व्वश्रेष्ठः-ष्ठा -ष्ठं;
‘lord of men,’ नरपतिःm.;
‘made of wood,’ काष्ठ-निर्म्मितः -ता -तं. When it denotes
‘out of,’
‘from amongst,’ it is expressed by मध्यात् or मध्ये, affixed to the gen. c., or crude form; as,
‘of all men,’ सर्व्वपुरुषमध्यात् or सर्व्वपुरुषाणांमध्यात् or मध्ये. It may sometimes be rendered by the abl. c., in phrases where
‘from’ may be substituted in English; as,
‘of a child, or from childhood,’ बाल्यात्;
‘of a race of kings, or descended from a race of kings,’ राज-कुलात् प्रसूतः or राजकुलप्रसूतः. It may even be rendered by the instr. c., in phrases where
‘by’ may be substituted in English; as,
‘hospitably entertained of the king,’ i. e.
‘by the king,’ राज्ञा सत्कृतः. Where
‘of’ denotes
‘connexion with,’
‘belonging to,’ &c., it may either be expressed by the use of such words as सम्बन्धी-न्धिनी &c., विषयः -या -यं, विषयकः &c., or by the gen. case, as in some of the foregoing examples. Very frequently an adjective compound involves some of these senses of the preposition; as,
‘a bird of a red color,’ रक्तवर्णः पक्षी;
‘a man of great valor,’ महावीर्य्यः पुरुषः;
‘a woman of great wealth,’ महाधना स्त्री. For the other senses of this preposition, see
‘Of late,’ अर्वाक्, अर्वाक्काले,नूतनकाले;
‘of old,’ पुरा, पुरस्तात्, पूर्व्वं, प्राक्काले;
‘son of a grandson,’ प्रपौत्रः;
‘pupil of a pupil,’ प्रशिष्यः,

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