Dictionaries | References

push pull

Script: Latin

push pull

वित्तीय  | English  Marathi |   | 
  स्त्री. ढकल ओढ

push pull

भूगोल  | English  Marathi |   | 
   (as constituting or relating to an arrangement of two electron tubes such that an alternating input causes them to send current through a load alternately) कर्षापकर्षी, पुश-पुल (as in push pull circuit कर्षापकर्षी परिपथ)
   (as belonging to or being a linkage for exerting both push and pull) ढकल ओढ, कर्षापकर्षी
  स्त्री. (a push pull arrangement) कर्षापकर्षी व्यवस्था

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