Dictionaries | References

qualified endorsement

Script: Latin

qualified endorsement

लोकप्रशासन  | English  Marathi |   | 
   (an endorsement passing title to a commercial paper but disclaiming liability of the endorser should the party primarily liable fail to pay when due) सशर्त पृष्ठांकन

qualified endorsement

अर्थशास्त्र | English  Marathi |   | 
   सशर्त पृष्ठांकन
   (an endorsement passing title to a commercial paper, but disclaiming liability of the endorser, should the party, primarily liable, fail to pay when due)

qualified endorsement

न्यायव्यवहार  | English  Marathi |   | 
  न. (endorsement without recourse to the endorser for payment) विशेषित पृष्ठांकन

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