समाचर् [samācar] 1 [P.]
To do, perform, practise; एहि गच्छ पतोत्तिष्ठ वद मौनं समाचर [K.P.1.]
To behave.
सम्-आ-√ चर्
P. -चरति (ep. also Ā. °ते), to act or behave or conduct one's self towards (loc. ), [MBh.] ; [Pañcat.] ; to practise, perform thoroughly, do, accomplish (with आहारम् and instr. , ‘to feed upon’), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to associate with (instr. ), [Gaut.] ; (with दूरात्) to remove, [Mn. iv, 151.]
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