Dictionaries | References s stock Script: Latin Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock English WN - IndoWordNet | English Any | | adj Wordnet:benএকঘেয়ে , বৈচিত্রহীন , গতানুগতিক , নতুনত্ববর্জিত , চিরাচরিত hinघिसा पिटा , घिसा पिटा kokझरयिल्लें marरटाळ oriପୁରୁଣା , ପୁରାତନ , ପ୍ରାଚୀନ panਘੱਸਿਆ ਪਿਟਿਆ , ਘੱਸਿਆ urdگھساپٹا , فرسودہ , پامال , دورازکار noun Wordnet:benপ্রজাতি hinस्टॉक , स्टाक , कुंदा , नस्ल , नसल kokजात marजात sanसञ्चयः , सम्भारः , सामग्री urdکُندا Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock बैंकिंग शब्दांवली | English Marathi | | माल,स्टाक Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock कार्यालयीन | English Marathi | | सामान, स्टाकभांडार में शेष माल Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापन | English Marathi | | संग्रह करणे, साठा करणे पु. संग्रह पु. साठा पु. संचय पु. (raw material) (कच्चा) माल पु. निधि न. (cattle) पशुधन पु. (line of ancestry) वंश पु. Finance रोखा पु. खुंट न. खोड पु. (बंदुक, रायफल वगैरे यांचा) दस्ता पु. दांडा Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock विद्युत अभियांत्रिकी | English Marathi | | पु. (share) भाग पु. शेअर पु. वस्तुसाठा पु. माल पु. रोखा Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock भूशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. स्कंध Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock जीवशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. संग्रह पु. खुंट न. काण्ड Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock भौतिकशास्त्र | English Marathi | | खुंट, जोखड, साठा, (भूवि.) खोड Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock साहित्य समीक्षा | English Marathi | | न. रुपांतरित लाकूड न. रंध्याचे खोड पु. काष्ठनक्षी आधारक स्त्री. पेचपाटी चलसंच (पु.) (as in goods stock माल चलसंच) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock राज्यशास्त्र | English Marathi | | खुंट चांगल्या जातीचे कलम करण्याकरिता वापरलेल्या मूळच्या वनस्पतीचे (आश्रय) खोड पहा scion host ज्यापासून मुळे निघतात असा मूलक्षोड किंवा शाखाहीन खोड Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock ग्रंथालयशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. संग्रह संग्रह करणे Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock लोकप्रशासन | English Marathi | | पु. (as, a term covering all types of shares) शेअर पु. भाग पु. (the debt or fund due from a government or a private company or corporation to individuals for money loaned at interest and not divided into shares but instead being divisible and transferable in any amount desired not involving divisions smaller than a specified sum) निधि पु. कर्जनिधि पु./अ.व. (as, bonds or security representing such debt or fund-usu. used in pl.) रोखे (the capital that a firm employs in the conduct of business) भांडवल (न.) (as in joint stock संयुक्त भांडवल) पु. संग्रह पु. साठा पु. संचय पु. (raw material) (कच्चा) माल न. (cattle) पशुधन पु. (line of ancestry) वंश न. घराणे Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock अर्थशास्त्र | English Marathi | | पु. (as a term covering all types of shares) शेअर पु. भाग पु. (the debt or fund due from a government or a private company or corporation to individuals for money loaned at interest and not dividend into shares but instead being divisible and transferable in any amount desired not involving divisions smaller than a specified sum) निधि पु. कर्जरोखा (as bonds or security representaing such debt or fund usu. us Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock न्यायव्यवहार | English Marathi | | पु. रोखा पु. पुंजरोखा स्त्री. पुंजी पु. मूळ पुरुष पु. संग्रह पु. साठा पु. माल पु. (raw material) कच्चा माल साठवणे Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary | English Sanskrit | | Stock,s.मूलं, मूलधनं, परिपणः; नीवि-वी f.; ‘common s.’ गणद्रव्यं. ROOTS:मूलंमूलधनंपरिपणनीविवीगणद्रव्यं 2त्सरुः, दंडः, वारंगः, मुष्टिm.f. ROOTS:त्सरुदंडवारंगमुष्टि 3संचयः, राशिः, संभारः, सामग्री; ‘s. in cattle’ गोधन, पशुसंपत्ति f. ROOTS:संचयराशिसंभारसामग्रीगोधनपशुसंपत्ति 4मूलं प्रसूतिf.,वंशः, कुलं, अन्वयः. ROOTS:मूलंप्रसूतिवंशकुलंअन्वय 5 [Page448] प्र-, कांडः-डं, स्कंधः. ROOTS:प्रकांडडंस्कंध 6स्थांभः, स्थाणुः. ROOTS:स्थांभस्थाणु 7 (S. s) निगडः, हडिः; ‘s. -dove’ कपोतः;See ROOTS:निगडहडिकपोत Dove; ‘s. -still’ स्थिर, स्थाणुरिव अचल- -v. t.सं-भृ 1, 3 U, संचि 5 U, समाहृ 1 P, राशीकृ 8 U, उपकॢप् c., परि-, पूर् 10. -a. मूल in comp., प्रधान, विशिष्ट; ‘s. instance’ मूर्धाभिषिक्तमुदाहरणं. ROOTS:स्थिरस्थाणुरिवअचलसंभृसंचिसमाहृराशीकृउपकॢप्परिपूर्मूलप्रधानविशिष्टमूर्धाभिषिक्तमुदाहरणं -Stock ade,s.स्तंभपंक्तिf.,शंकुवरणः. ROOTS:स्तंभपंक्तिशंकुवरण Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 stock A Dictionary: English and Sanskrit | English Sanskrit | | STOCK , s. (Of a tree, &c.) काण्डः -ण्डं, प्रकाण्डः -ण्डं,see TRUNK. — (Handle, haft) वारङ्गः, दण्डः, त्सरुःm., स्थूलाग्रं. — (Lineage, family) वंशः, कुलं, आदिः. — (Capital, principal) मूलधनं, धनमूलं,मूलद्रव्यं, मूलं, नीविः -वी, परिपणं, परिणतं. — (Store) सञ्चयः,सञ्चितं, सम्भारः, सामग्र्यं -ग्री, उपकरणसाभग्री, उपकरणसम्भारः,संयोगः; ‘common stock,’ गणद्रव्यं, गणान्नं. — (In cattle, &c.) गोधनं, पशुसम्पत्तिःf., जीवधनं, पादबन्धनं, यादवं. — (Wooden fetters) हडिःm., पादपाशी, कीलः; ‘confined in the stocks,’ कीलितः -ता -तं, हडिबद्धः -द्धा -द्धं. ROOTS:काण्डण्डंप्रकाण्डवारङ्गदण्डत्सरुस्थूलाग्रंवंशकुलंआदिमूलधनंधनमूलंमूलद्रव्यंमूलंनीविवीपरिपणंपरिणतंसञ्चयसञ्चितंसम्भारसामग्र्यंग्रीउपकरणसाभग्रीउपकरणसम्भारसंयोगगणद्रव्यंगणान्नंगोधनंपशुसम्पत्तिजीवधनंपादबन्धनंयादवंहडिपादपाशीकीलकीलिततातंहडिबद्धद्धाद्धं To STOCK , v. a.सम्भृ (c. 1. -भरति -भर्त्तुं), सम्भारं कृ, पॄ (c. 10. पूरयति-यितुं), सञ्चि (c. 5. -चिनोति -चेतुं), उपकॢप्, सञ्चयं कृ. See To STORE. ROOTS:सम्भृभरतिभर्त्तुंसम्भारंकृपॄपूरयतियितुंसञ्चिचिनोतिचेतुंउपकॢप्सञ्चयं Related Words gun-stock gazing-stock guarantee stock stock registered stock safety stock unissued stock live-stock inscribed stock stock book stock-still stock turnover debenture stock bonus stock laughing-stock stock exchange capital stock stock ledger buffer stock finished product stock expediting stock level convertible loan stock active stock foundation stock free stock full paid stock full stock go-go/growth stock goods stock government controlled stock holder government surplus stock gross stock of hire & leased assets guaranteed stock guide screw stock half stock half yearly balance return of stock half yearly register of stock hardware stock in stock not in stock unlisted stock unreleased stock unsaleable stock veneered stock virgin stock watered stock watering of stock working stock young stock salt stock screw stock short stock ready stock reserve stock rolling stock root stock ex stock floor stock inactive stock opening stock out of stock outstanding stock animal stock appreciation of stock bank stock barometer stock bar stock base stock basic stock stationary stock stock account stock accounting stock analysis stock and flow stock and share stock appreciation stock balance stock breeder stock broker stock brush stock card stock certificate stock character stock concept stock control stock converter stock culture stock depreciation stock dividend stock feeder stock holder stock in hand stock-in-hire stock-in-process stock -in-trade stock in transit stock inventory stock jobber stock limit stock list Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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