प्रलुभ् [pralubh] 4 [P.]
To be greedy or desirous, be lustful.
To allure, seduce, entice.
प्र-√ लुभ्
P. Ā. -लुभ्यति, °ते, (Ā. ) to lust after, be lustful, follow one's lusts, go astray sexually (said of a wife), [ŚāṅkhGṛ.] ; [Mn.] ; to allure, entice, seduce, pollute, [MBh.] : Caus. -लोभयति, to cause to lust after, allure, entice, attempt, to seduce, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Pur.] &c.; to divert the attention of any one by (instr. ), [Suśr.]
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