दम्—पति m. am. (
द॑म्-) (= δεσ-πότης) the lord of the house (अग्नि, इन्द्र, the अश्विन्s), , i; ii, 39, 2 (cf. [Pāṇ. 1-1, 11 1] ; [Kāś.] ), ; v, viii
ई ()
du. (g. राजदन्ता-दि, the comp. taken as a द्वंद्व and दम् in the sense of ‘wife’), ‘the two masters’, husband and wife, v, viii, x; [AV.] ; [Gobh.] &c. (said of birds, [VarBṛS. vc] ; [Hit.] )
accord. to some = ‘lord, master’, fr. √ + प्° [cf. दन् above]; ई, du. , ‘master and mistress’.
दम्-पति b See 2.
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