One of the wrestlers of Kaṁsa. The famous wrestlers of Kaṁsa were Cāṇūra, Muṣṭika, Kūṭa, Śala, Kosala and others.
कोसल m. m.
pl. (in later texts generally, spelt कोशल), N. of a country and the warrior-tribe inhabiting it (descendants of माठव्यविदेघ, [ŚBr. i] ), [Pāṇ. 4-1, 171] ; [MBh.] &c. (कोशलानां [v.l. कौशल्°, [R. vi, 86, 43] ] नक्षत्रN. of a lunar mansion, [R.] (ed. Bomb. ) vi, 103, 35)
कोसल m. m.
N. of the country of कोसल, [R. i, 5, 5]
N. of the capital of that country or अयोध्या (the modern Oude), [L.]
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