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   { apadānam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अपदानम् [apadānam] दानकम् [dānakam]   दानकम् [अपदायति परिशुध्यति येन कर्मणा, दै करणे ल्युट्]
   Pure conduct, approved course of life; (परिशु- द्धाचरणम्).
   A great or noble work, excellent work दृष्टापदाना विक्रान्तास्त्वया सत्कृत्य मानिताः [Rām.2.1.31.] (perhaps for अवदानम् q. v.).
   A work well or completely done, an accomplished work; कथितेषु जनैरमुष्य राजन् अपदानेषु विशिष्य कौतुकं नः [Rām. ch.2.18.]
   A legend treating of former and future births of men and exhibiting the consequences of their good and evil actions.

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