m A tuft of foliage. The skirt of a garment. Outskirts. Affinity.
The extremity of a branch bearing new leaves; a sprig of young and luxuriant foliage: also a tuft of foliage; a cluster of shoots or sprouts. 2 The skirt of a garment or cloth; esp. as used in waving to one at a distance, in flapping out a light, in whisking off &c. v घाल, टाक, कर, दे. 3 fig. Outskirts, precincts, purlieus. 4 fig. The projecting portion of the slopes of a roof, or of the ridge over the gableends. 5 fig. An embellishing circumstance added to a tale by the narrator. 6 Affinity. v मिळ, भिड, लाग g. of s. & o. Pr. सदैवाचा पा0 बरा. 7 Spread or expansion of a family.
पालव कापून देणें To dissolve the matrimonia connection. See the phrase काडी मोडून देणें .
noun सामान्य जनतेच्या कल्याणा खातीर आसता अशें सरकारान दिल्लें अनुदान
Ex. गाझोलीन, पॅट्रोल, डिजल, बी हांचेर सब्सिडी मेळटा
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