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   { avagrah }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अव-√ ग्रह्   -गृह्णाति (Pot.-गृह् णीयात्) to let loose, let go, [Lāṭy.] ;
to keep back from (abl.), impede, stop, [PBr.] ; [Car.] ; [Kād.] ;
to divide, [Suśr.] ;
(in Gr.) to separate (as words or parts of a word), [ŚāṅkhŚr.] &c. (cf.अव-ग्राहम् below);
to perceive (with one's senses), distinguish, [BhP.] ; [Suśr.] :
Caus. (ind.p.-ग्राह्य) to separate (into pieces).
अव √ ग्रह्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवग्रह् [avagrah]   9 [U.]
   To let loose, let go (as reins).
   To divide, separate (as words or parts of words); पितृ- याणमित्यत्र हि पितृयाणमित्यृकारोऽवगृह्यते [P.VIII.2.26.] Com.
   To break off, discontinue; to distinguish, discriminate, discern.
   To punish, chastise; मन्दोऽपि नाम न महानवगृह्य साध्यः [Śi.5.49.]
   To seize, choke; गद्गदिकाव- गृह्यमाणकण्ठा [K.37,328.]
   To capture, take in possession, overpower; स्वामिनमवशमवगृह्णन्ति [Dk.157;] 32; [Ve.46.]
   To oppose, resist, hinder, obstruct.
   To lay hold of (with the feet). -Caus. To knead, make dough.

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