आ-√ नम् P. (3. pl. आ॑-नमन्ति, [RV.] &c.; inf. -न॑मम्, [RV. iv, 8, 3] ) Ā. (Impv. 3. pl. आ॑नमन्ताम्, [RV. vi, 49, 4] ) to bend down, bend, bow, incline, [R.] ; [BhP.] ; [Ragh.] &c.; to do homage, salute reverently, [BhP.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.; to condescend; to be propitious (as gods to men), [RV. vi, 50, 4] ; to bring near; to bend towards or near; to subdue, [RV.] : Caus. -नामयति and -नमयति, to inflect, bend (a bow), cause to bend, subdue, [MBh.] ; [Mālav.] ; [Hariv.]