उग्र mfn. mfn. (said to be fr. √ उच् [[Uṇ. ii, 29] ], but probably fr. a √ उज्, or √ वज्, fr. which also ओजस्, वाज, वज्र may be derived; compar. उग्रतर and ओ॑जीयस्; superl. उग्रतम and ओ॑जिष्ठ), powerful, violent, mighty, impetuous, strong, huge, formidable, terrible high, noble cruel, fierce, ferocious, savage angry, passionate, wrathful hot, sharp, pungent, acrid, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [R.] ; [Śak.] ; [Ragh.] &c. उग्र m. m.N. of रुद्र or शिव, [MBh.] ; [VP.] of a particular रुद्र, [BhP.] क्रूर N. of a mixed tribe (from a क्षत्रिय father and शूद्र mother; the उग्र, according to, [Manu x, 9] , is of cruel or rude [] conduct [आचार] and employment [विहार], as killing or catching snakes &c.; but according to the तन्त्रs he is an encomiast or bard), [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] &c. a twice-born man who perpetrates dreadful deeds Comm. on [Āp. i, 7, 20] ; [Āp.] ; [Gaut.] the tree Hyperanthera Moringa, [L.] N. of a दानव, [Hariv.] a son of धृत-राष्ट्र, [MBh.] the Guru of नरेन्द्रादित्य (who built a temple called उग्रेश) पूर्व-फाल्गुनी a group of asterisms (viz. , पूर्वा-षाढा, पूर्व-भाद्रपदा, मघा, भरणी) N. of the Malabar country उग्र n. n. a particular poison, the root of Aconitum Ferox wrath, anger; उग्र [cf. Zd. ughra: Gk. ὑγι-ής, ὑγίεια, Lat. augeo &c.: Goth. auka, ‘I increase’; Lith. ug-is, ‘growth, increase’; aug-u, ‘I grow’, &c.]