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   { unnī }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उन्-√ नी   1. (उद्-√ नी) P.Ā.-नयति, -ते, to lead up or out, lead upwards or up to;
to bring or fetch out of, free from, help, rescue, redeem;
to raise, set up, erect, promote, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [MBh.] &c.;
to draw up, fill up a vessel by drawing (a fluid out of another vessel), [RV. ii, 14, 9] ; [VS.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
to raise up, lift up (only Ā.[Pāṇ. 1-3, 36] );
to put up, lay up, [MBh.] ;
to press or squeeze out (e.g. pus), [MBh. v, 2776] ;
to lead away (e.g. a calf from its mother), [TS.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; KātyŚr.;
to lead aside, separate, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ;
to stroke, smooth, [Gṛhyās.] ;
to raise, cause, [BhP.] ;
to intone, [BhP. x, 33, 10] ;
to find out, discover by inference, infer, [MBh.] ; [Rājat.] ; [Daś.] ; [Bālar.] &c.:
Desid.Ā.-निनीषते, to intend or wish to lead out, [KauṣUp.]
उन् √ नी
उन्-नी  mfn. 2.mfn. bringing or leading upwards, [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 6-4, 82.]
उन् नी


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उन्नी [unnī]   1 [P.]
   To lead upwards, bring up; ऊर्ध्वं प्राणमुन्नयति Kaṭh.2.5.3; ब्रह्मादित्य मुन्नयति [Mb.3.313.46.]
   To raise, erect, lift up; (Ā.) दण्डमुन्नयते Sk.; स्वदंष्ट्रोन्नीतधरो वराहः [bhāg.]
   To bring out of, free from, help, rescue, redeem; रसाया लीलयोन्नीतां उर्वीम् [bhāg.]
   To draw up (as water); वने निपूतं वन उन्नयध्वम् [Rv.2.14.9.]
   To stroke; straighten out.
   To lead out or aside, lead away; एकान्तमुन्नीय [Mb.]
   To press out, extract.
   To infer, ascertain, guess, conjecture; कथमपि स इत्युन्नेतव्यस्तथापि दृशोः प्रियः [U.3.22,1.29,6.26;] [V.4;] प्रकृतिप्रत्ययाद्यर्थैः संकीर्णे लिङ्गमुन्नयेत् [Ak.]
   To fill completely.
   To lead off (in singing), काचित्समं मुकुन्देन स्वरजातीरमिश्रिताः । उन्निन्ये पूजिता तेन प्रीयतां साधु- साध्विति ॥ [Bhāg.1.33.1.]
   To lead aside, separate; दैवेनैकत्र नीतानामुन्नीतानां स्वकर्मभिः [Bhāg.7.2.21.]


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