Dictionaries | References


   { kiṣkindhḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : किष्किंधा, किष्किंधा


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किष्किन्ध  m. m.N. of a mountain (in the south of India, in ओड्र, containing a cave, the residence of the monkey-prince वालिन् who was slain by राम; the territory which is said to be in the northern part of Mysore, near the sources of the पम्पा river, was transferred after the conquest by राम to सु-ग्रीव, brother of वालिन् and rightful king), [VarBṛS.]
किष्किन्ध  m. m. pl., ‘N. of a people’ See -गन्दिक


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किष्किन्धः [kiṣkindhḥ] न्ध्यः [ndhyḥ]   न्ध्यः [P.VI.1.157.]
  N. N. of a country.
  N. N. of a mountain situated in that country.
-न्धा, -न्ध्या  N. N. of a city, the capital of Kiṣkindha. किष्किन्धा- काण्डम् N. of the fourth book of Rāmāyaṇa.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किष्किन्ध  m.  (-न्धः) A mountain in the south of India, in Mysore, the residence of the monkey prince BALI.
  f.  (-न्धा) A cave in the moun- tain; also किष्किन्ध्य.

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