क्रीड r. 1st cl. (ऋ) क्रीडृ (क्रीडति) To play, to sport; with अनु, अव, आङ् परि, or सम् prefixed, it is deponent, as अनुक्रीडते, &c. unless अनु requires the accusative case, and the compound with सम् implies inarticulate sound, as तमनुक्रीडति सा she plays with him, संक्रीडति चक्रं the wheel creaks. क्रीड mf. (-डः-डा) 1. Sport, play, pastime, pleasure, amusement. f. (-डा) 1. Playing, as a ball, &c. 2. Disrespect. E. क्रीड्. to play, अ affix, and fem. do टाप्.