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   { gaṇḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  छंदशास्त्र के अनुसार लघु गुरु के आधार पर तीन वर्णों का समूह   Ex. गणों की संख्या आठ मानी गई है और इसके अलावा पाँच मात्रिक गण अलग हैं ।
यगण मगण रगण सगण तगण जगण भगण नगण चिर
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
वर्णिक-गण वार्णिक-गण
urdگَن , وارنِک گَن
 noun  फलित ज्योतिष का एक भाग जिसका विवाह आदि के समय पत्रिका मिलाने में उपयोग होता है   Ex. ज्योतिष शास्त्र में मानव, देव और राक्षस, ये तीन गण होते हैं ।
देव गण मनुष्य गण राक्षस गण
भाग (Part of)संज्ञा (Noun)
   See : नौकर, समुदाय, शिव गण


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  छंदशास्त्रा प्रमाणें लघू गुरूच्या आदाराचेर तीन वर्णांचो पंगड   Ex. गणांचो आंकडो आठ मानतात आनी हाचे भायर पांच मात्रीक गण वेगळो आसा
मगण यगण रगण सगण तगण जगण भगण नगण
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdگَن , وارنِک گَن
 noun  जाच्या लग्नाच्या बी वेळार पत्रिकेंत मेळोवपाक वापरतात असो ज्योतिशाचो एक भाग   Ex. ज्योतीश शास्त्रांत मनीस, देव आनी राक्षस, हे तीन गण आसतात
देव गण मनुष्य गण राक्षस गण
भाग (Part of)संज्ञा (Noun)


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A field of battle: also a palæstra or any arena of contest.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A multitude, a number; a class. A division of the 27 नक्षत्रें, देवगण, मनुष्यगण &c.


 ना.  संघ , समूह ;
 ना.  पुंजी , राशी ( तारे , नक्षत्र );
 ना.  जमाव , समुदाय ( भक्तांचा ).


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  फल ज्योतिषातील एक संज्ञा   Ex. तीन गण मानले आहेत.
देवगण मनुष्यगण राक्षसगण
भाग (Part of)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  छंदःशास्त्रात लघुगुरूनुसार केलेला तीन अक्षरांचा गट   Ex. य ह्या गणात पहिले अक्षर लघू व इतर दोन अक्षरे गुरू असतात.
सगण मगण यगण रगण तगण जगण भगण नगण
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdگَن , وارنِک گَن
 noun  तमाशाच्या प्रारंभी सादर केले जाणारे ईश्वरस्तुतिपर गीत   Ex. गणानंतर गवळण सादर करतात.
   See : समूह, शिवगण


   गणचौथ पूजणें
   (ना.) मारणें
   ठोक देणें. गणेशचतुर्थीच्या दिवशी चंद्र पाहिला असतां चोरीचा आळ येतो
   पण कोणाच्या तरी शिव्या खाल्‍ल्‍या म्‍हणजे त्‍याचा दोष जातो, अशी समजूत आहे. म्‍हणून त्‍या दिवशी मुद्दाम दुसर्‍याची खोडी काढून, त्‍यास मारून वगैरे त्‍याच्या शिव्या घेण्याचा प्रकार करतात. त्‍याकरितां एखाद्याची खोडी काढणें, त्‍यास बेदम मारणें. वगैरे.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : बथान


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण  m. m. a flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, series, class (of animate or inanimate beings), body of followers or attendants, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.
-देवता   troops or classes of inferior deities (especially certain troops of demi-gods considered as शिव's attendants and under the special superintendence of the god गणेश; cf.), [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [Lalit.] &c.
   a single attendant of शिव, [VarBṛS.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Rājat. iii, 270]
   N. of गणेश, [W.]
   a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims, [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [Hit.]
   the 9 assemblies of ऋषिs under the अर्हत्महा-वीर, [Jain.]
   a sect in philosophy or religion, [W.]
   a small body of troops (= 3 गुल्मs or 27 chariots and as many elephants, 81 horses, and 135 foot), [MBh. i, 291]
   a series or group of asterisms or lunar mansions classed under three heads (that of the gods, that of the men, and that of the राक्षसs), [W.]
   (in arithm.) a number, [L.]
-च्छन्दस्   (in metre) a foot or four instants (cf.)
अद्-आदि   (in Gr.) a series of roots or words following the same rule and called after the first word of the series (e.g., the g.अद् &c. or the whole series of roots of the 2nd class; गर्गा-दि, the g.गर्ग &c. or the series of words commencing with गर्ग)
अद् आदि
   a particular group of सामन्s, [Lāṭy. i, 6, 5] ; [VarYogay. viii, 7]
   a kind of perfume, [L.]
वाच्   = (i.e. ‘a series of verses’), [Naigh. i, 11]
   N. of an author


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गणः [gaṇḥ]   [गण् कर्मणि कर्तरि वा अच्]
   A flock, multitude, group, troop, collection; गुणिगणगणना, भगणः
   A series, a class.
   A body of followers or attendants.
   Particularly, a troop of demigods considered as Śiva's attendants and under the special superintendence of Gaṇeśa, a demigod of this troop; गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनाम् &c.; गणा नमेरुप्रसवावतंसाः [Ku.1.55,7.4,71;] [Me.35.57;] [Ki.5.13.]
   Any assemblage or society of men formed for the attainment of the same objects.
   A company, association.
   A tribe, class.
   A series of lunar mansions classed under three heads (of god, men and demons).
   A sect (in philosophy, religion).
   A small body of troops (a sub-division of अक्षौहिणी), consisting of 27 chariots, as many elephants, 81 horses and 135 foot; [Mb.1.2.21.]
   A number (in math.).
   A foot (in prosody).
   (In gram.) A series of roots or words belonging to the same rule and called after the first word of that series; e. g. भ्वादिगण i. e. the class of roots which begin with भू.
   An epithet of Gaṇeśa. -Comp.
-अग्रणी  m. m. N. of Gaṇeśa.
-अचलः  N. N. of the mountain Kailāsa, as the residence of the Gaṇas of Śiva.
   अधिपः, अधिपतिः N. of Śiva; [Śi.9.27.]
  N. N. of Gaṇeśa.
   the chief of a troop of soldiers or of a class of disciples, of a body of men or animals.
-अन्नम्   a mess, food prepared for number of persons in common; [Ms.4.29,219.]
-अभ्यन्तर a.  a. one of a troop or number. (-रः) the leader or member of any religious association; [Ms.3.154.]
-ईशः  N. N. of Gaṇapati, Śiva's son (see गणपति below). ˚जननी an epithet of Pārvatī. ˚भूषणम् red-lead.
   an epithet of Śiva; गणभर्तृरुक्षा [Ki.5.42.]
   the leader of a class.
-भोजनम्   mess, eating in common.
-यज्ञः   a rite common to all.
-रत्नमहोदधिः   a collection of grammatical gaṇas by Vardhamāna.-राज्यम् N. of an empire in the Deccan; [Bṛi. S.14.] 14.
-रात्रम्   a series of nights.
-वल्लभः   a general of the army (सेनानायक); [Rām.2.81.12.]
-वृत्तम्   see गणच्छन्दस्.-हासः,
-हासकः   a species of perfume.
   ईशानः, ईश्वरः an epithet of Gaṇeśa.
   of Śiva.
-उत्साहः   the rhinoceros.
   कारः a classifier.
   an epithet of Bhīmasena.
-कृत्वस्   ind. for a whole series of times, for a number of times.
-गतिः   a particular high number.
-चक्रकम्   a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous men.
-छन्दस्  n. n. metre regulated and measured by feet.
-तिथ a.  a. forming a troop or collection.
   दीक्षा initiation of a number or a class.
   performance of rites for a number of persons.-दीक्षिन् a.
   one who officiates for a number of persons or for various castes (as a priest).
   one who has been initiated into the worship of Ganeśa.
-देवताः   (pl.) groups of deities who generally appear in classes of troops; Ak. thus classifies them: आदित्यविश्ववसव- स्तुषिता भास्वरानिलाः । महाराजिकसाध्याश्च रुद्राश्च गणदेवताः ॥
   द्रव्यम् public property, common stock; [Y.2.187.]
   a variety of articles.
   धरः the head of a class or number.
   the teacher of a school.
   नाथः, नाथकः an epithet of Śiva.
   of Gaṇeśa.
   the leader of the attendants of any god; [Bhāg.5.17.13.]
   the head of an assemblage or corporation; [Bṛi. S.15.4.] -नायिका an epithet of Durgā. -पः,
   पतिः N. of Śiva.
  N. N. of Gaṇeśa. [He is the son of Śiva and Pārvatī, or of Pārvatī only; for according to one legend, he sprang from the scurf of her body. He is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles; hence he is invoked and worshipped at the commencement of every important undertaking. He is usually represented in a sitting posture, short and fat, with a protuberant belly, and four hands; riding a mouse; and with the head of an elephant. This head has only one tusk, the other having been lost in a scuffle between him and Paraśurāma when he opposed the latter's entrance to Śiva's inner apartments; (whence he is called Ekadanta, Ekadaṁṣṭra &c.). There are several legends accounting for his elephant head. It is said that he wrote the Mahābhārata at the dictation of Vyāsa who secured his services as a scribe from the god Brahman].
   also an epithet of Bṛihaspati and Indra.
   the leader of a class or troop.-पर्वत see गणाचल.
-पाठः   a collection of gaṇas or series of words falling under the same grammatical rule.-पीठकम् the breast, bosom.
-पुङ्गवः   the head of a tribe or class. (pl.) N. of a country and its people; [Bṛi. S.4.24.]
-पूर्वः   the leader of a tribe or class; (ग्रामणी); [Mb.13.23.2.] ˚तापनी N. of a Upaniṣad.
-भर्तृ  m. m.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण   r. 10th cl. (गणयति) To count, to reckon up by: number, to calculate.
गण  m.  (-णः)
   1. A flock, a multitude, a troop, a tribe or class, &c.
   2. A body of troops equal to three Gulmas or twenty-seven chariots and as many elephants, eighty-one horses, and 135 foot.
   3. Troops of inferior deities considered as SIVA'S attendants, and under the especial superintendance of GANESHA.
   4. A name of GANESHA.
   5. A number (in arithmetic.)
   6. A kind of perfume, commonly Chor. [Page228-b+ 60] 7. A sect in philosophy or religion.
   8. A conjugation, a class or ridicals.
   2. Series of asterisms which are classed under three heads human, infernal, and divine.
   E. गण् to count to reckon, affix अच्.
गण् अच्

Related Words

गण   देव गण   मनुष्य गण   राक्षस गण   मात्रिक गण   मात्रीक गण   राक्षसगण   मनुष्यगण   वार्णिक-गण   वर्णिक-गण   महादेव गण   ದೇವ ಗಣ   ಮನುಷ್ಯ ಗಣ   ರಾಕ್ಷಸ ಗಣ   राक्षसगणः   मानुषगणः   शिवगण   ਗਣ   ଗଣ   ગણ   मात्रिकगणः   clientele   ماترک گن   মাত্রিক গণ   ମାତ୍ରିକ ଗଣ   માત્રિક ગણ   गण ढिंडला   गण देणें   गण नमणें   गण नायक   गण पूजणें   गण-पूर्ति   गण-पूर्ती   क्रेता-गण   ग्राहक-गण   शिव गण   अधिकारी गण   अमर गण   जेवता गण   दर्शक-गण   तीन गण   मतदाता-गण   पिशाच्च गण   सुर गण   देवगण   গণ   சிவ கணம்   ਸ਼ਿਵ ਗਣ   ಶಿವ ಗಣ   शिवगणः   देवगणः   kingfisher   شِوگَن   శివగణం   শিবগণ   ଶିବଗଣ   શિવગણ   ഭൂതഗണങ്ങള്   audience   patronage   battalion   captain   large number   plurality   chieftain   pack   business   multitude   servant   retainer   gens   electoral college   acarid   metrical foot   geraniales   किंशुलकादि   कर्क्यादि   ऐषुकार्यादि   शिव-किंकर   rannales   rubiales   hymenomycetae   orchidales   pandanales   anthocerotales   गाणायन्य   छात्त्र्यादि   ब्रह्ममालिन्   द्युराशि   tuberales   umbellifloreae   lilliales   juglandales   cyeadales   population of cell   prisodactyia   pteridospermeae   coleoptera   coniferales   हरिद्रागणेश   
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