ग्रामः [grāmḥ] [ग्रस्-मन् आदन्तादेशः]
A village, hamlet; पत्तने विद्यमानेऽपि ग्रामे रत्नपरीक्षा
[M.1;] त्यजेदेकं कुलस्यार्थे ग्रामस्यार्थे कुलं त्यजेत् । ग्रामं जनपदस्यार्थे स्वात्मार्थे पृथिवीं त्यजेत् ॥
[H.1.129;] [R.1.44;] [Me.3.] A race, community; कथा ग्रामं न पृच्छसि
[Rv.1.146.1.] A multitude, collection (of anything); e. g. गुणग्राम, इन्द्रियग्राम;
[Bg.8.19;9.8.] शस्त्रास्त्र- ग्रामकोविदः
[Bm.1.611,613.] A gamut, scale in music; स्फुटीभवद्ग्रामविशेषमूर्च्छनाम्
[Śi.1.1.] -Comp.
-अक्षपटलिकः a village archioist;
[Hch.7.23.] -अधिकृतः, -अधिपः, -अधिपतिः, -अध्यक्षः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः superintendent, head, chief of a village; ग्रामाधिपस्य तरुणीमहं भार्यां सदा भजे
[Ks.64.115;] [Ms.7.115.] -अन्तः the border of a village, space near a village;
[Ms.4.116;11.78.] -अन्तरम् another village.
-अन्तिकम् the neighbourhood of a village.-अन्तीय a. situated in the neighbourhood of a village;
[Ms.8.24.] -यम् space near a village.
-आचारः a village custom.
-आधानम् hunting.
-उपाध्यायः the village priest.
कण्टकः 'the village-pest', one who is a source of trouble to the village.
a tale-bearer.-काम a.
मद्गुरिका a riot, fray, village tumult.
N. N. of a fish (or a plant)
-मुखम् a market.
-मृगः a dog.
-याजकः, -याजिन् m. m.
'the village priest,' a priest who conducts the religious ceremonies for all classes and is consequently considered as a degraded Brāhmaṇa;
[Ms.4.25.] the attendant of an idol.
-युद्धम् a riot, fray.-लुण्ठनम् plundering a village.
-वासः (ग्रामेवासः also)
a villager.
residence in a village.
-विशेषः a variety of scales in music; स्फुटीभवद्ग्रामविशेषमूर्च्छना Śi.-वृद्धः an old villager; प्राप्यावन्तीनुदयनकथाकोविदग्रामवृद्धान्
[Me.3.] -षण्डः an impotent man (क्लीब).
-संकरः the common sewer or drain of a village.
-संघः a villagecorporation.
-सिंहः a dog; व्यमुञ्चन्विविधा वाचो ग्रामसिंहास्त- तस्ततः
[Bhāg.3.17.1.] -स्थः a.
a covillager.
-हासकः a sister's husband.
one wishing to take possession of a village.
fond of living in villages.
-कायस्थ a village scribe.-कुक्कुटः a domestic cock;
[Ms.5.12,19.] कुमारः one beautiful in a village.
a village-boy.
कूटः the noblest man in a village.
a Śūdra.
-गृह्य a. a. being outside a village.
-गृह्यकः a village-carpenter.-गोदुहः the herdsman of a village.
-घातः plundering a village;
[Ms.9.274.] -घोषिन् a. a. sounding among men or armies (as a drum); प्रवेदकृद् बहुधा ग्रामघोषी
[Av. 5.2.9.] -m. an epithet of Indra.
-चर्या sexual intercourse; (स्त्रीसंभोग).
-चैत्यः a sacred fig-tree of a village; नीडारम्भैर्गृहबलिभुजामाकुलग्रामचैत्याः
[Me.23.] village-born, rustic.
grown in cultivated ground;
[Ms.6.16.] -जालम् a number of villages, a district.
णीः the leader or chief of a village or community; तयोर्युद्धं समभवद्रक्षोग्रामणिमुख्ययोः
[Mb.7.19.3.] a leader or chief in general.
a barber.
an epithet of Viṣṇu.
a libidinous man.
a yakṣa; उन्नह्यन्ति रथं नागा ग्रामण्यो रथयोजकाः
[Mb.12.11.48.] (-f.)
a whore, harlot.
the indigo plant. ˚पुत्रः a bastard, the son of a harlot.
-तक्षः a village-carpenter;
[P.V.4.95.] -देवता the tutelary deity of a village.
-द्रुमः a sacred tree in a village.
धर्मः the observances or customs of a village.
sexual intercourse.
-धान्यम् a cultivated grain (like rice); ग्रामधान्यं यथा शून्यं यथा कूपश्च निर्जलः
[Mb.12.36.48.] See ग्राम्यधान्यम्.
पालः the guardian of a village.
army for the protection of a village.
-पुरुषः the chief of a village.
-प्रेष्यः the messenger or servant of a community or village.