Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  जईनच , जईनचईन , जईनमईन


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Sufficient for the purpose; quantum sufficit: also sufficient and barely; enough and none to spare. 2 Used by some with that latitude which pertains to, and which cannot be disallowed to, imitative or capricious formations, in the sense of Ample, copious, profuse, plentiful: also amply, copiously, continuously &c.


   विक्रिवि . १ ( अशिष्ट ) कारणापुरतें ; बेताचें . २ पुष्कळ ; विपुल , भख्खळ ; भरपूर .

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