जीमूतः [jīmūtḥ] [जयति नभः, जीयते अनिलेन जीवनस्योदकस्य मूतं बन्धो यत्र, जीवनं जलं मूतं बद्धम् अनेन, जीवनं मुञ्चतीति वा पृषो˚
[Tv.] cf.
[Uṇ.3.91] ]
cloud; जीमूतेन स्वकुशलमयीं हारयिष्यन् प्रवृत्तिम्
[Me.4.] A mountain.
A nourisher, sustainer.
An epithet of Indra. -Comp.
-कूटः a mountain.
-केतुः an epithet of Śiva.
-प्रभः A variety of gems;
[Kau.A.2.11.] वाहनः N. of Indra.
N. N. of a king of the Vidyādharas, hero of the play called Nāgānanda; (mentioned also in कथासरित्सागर). [He was the son of Jīmūtaketu and renowned for his benevolent and charitable disposition. When his father's kingdom was invaded by his kinsmen, he scorned the idea of fighting with them and induced his father to leave it to those who sought for it and to repair with him to the Malaya mountain to lead a holy life. It is related that there he one day took the place of a young serpent who was, by virtue of an agreement, to be offered to Garuḍa as his daily meal, and induced, by his generous and touching behaviour, the enemy of serpents to give up his practice of devouring them. The story is very pathetically told in the play].-वाहिन् Smoke.