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   { tṛṣ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तृष्   1.cl. 4. °ष्यति (p.तृ॑ष्यत्Ā.°षाण॑pf.तातृषाण॑, [RV.] [तत्°, vi, 15, 5]; 3. pl.तातृषु॑र्, x, 15, 9; aor.Subj.तृषत्, [AV. ii, 29, 4] ; ind.p.°ष्ट्वा॑, xix, 34, 6; °षित्वा and तर्षित्वा, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 25] )
to be thirsty, thirst, thirst for, [RV. &c.] :
Caus. (aor. 1. pl.अतीतृषाम) to cause to thirst, iv, 34, 11;

तृष्   [cf.Goth.thars, thaursus; τέρσομαι]
तृष्  mfn. 2.mfn. ‘longing for’ See अर्थ-
तृष्  f. f. ([Siddh. stry. 23] ) thirst, [MBh. xiv] ; [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛ.] &c.
   strong desire, [L.]
   Desire as daughter of Love, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तृष् [tṛṣ]   4 P. (तृष्यति, तृषित)
   To be thirsty; तृषित्वेवाऽनिशं स्वादु पिबन्तं सरितां पयूः [Bk.7.16;14.3;15.51.]
   To wish, wish excessively, be eager or greedy.
तृष् [tṛṣ]  f. f. [तृष्-संप˚ क्विप्] (nom. sing. तृट्-ड्)
   Thirst; तृषा शुष्यत्यास्ये पिबति सलिलं स्वादु सुरभि [Bh.3.92;] Ṛs.1 11.
   Strong desire, eagerness.
   Desire personified as the daughter of Kāma.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
तृष्  f.  (तृट्)
   1. Thirst.
   2. Thirst (metaphorical,) wish, desire, lust.
   3. The daughter of KAMA, the deity of love.
   E. तृष् to thirst, affix क्विप्; also तृषा, &c.
तृष् क्विप्; तृषा

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