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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पद्   1.cl. 1. P.पदतिv.l. for बद्, to stand fast or fixed, [Dhātup. iii, 1, 4] ; [Vop.]
पद्   2.cl. 4. Ā. ([Dhātup. xxvi, 60] ) पद्यते (°ति, [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] ; Pot.पद्याम्, [R.] ; Impv.पत्स्व, [MBh.] ; pf.पपाद, [RV.] ; पेदे, [Br.] ; aor.अपद्महि, °द्रन्, [RV.] [Subj.पदाति, ib.]; अपत्सि, पत्थास्, [AV.] ; Prec.पदीष्ट॑, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; fut.पत्स्यति, [Br.] ; °ते, [Up.] ; पत्ताGr.; inf.प॑त्तवे, [RV.] ; °तोस्, °तुम्, [Br.] ; -प॑दस्, [RV.] ; ind.p.-प॑द्य, ib.; -पा॑दम्, [Br.] ),
to fall, fall down or out, perish, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [Br.] ;
to go, resort or apply to, participate in (acc.), keep, observe, [MBh.] :
Caus.पाद॑यति, °ते, to cause to fall, [AV.] ; [AitBr.] (Pass.पाद्यते, [Br.] ; Desid.पिपादयिषति, [Br.] &c.);
पदयते, to go, [Dhātup. xxxv, 44] :
Desid.पित्सते, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 54] :
Intens.पनीपद्यते, [Kāv.] ;
पनीपदीति, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 84.]
पद्  f. 3.m. (in strong cases पा॑द्; ifc.f(पद् or पदी). ) a foot (पदा, पद्भ्याम् and °भिस्, also ‘on foot’ [RV.] &c. &c.; ifc. also ‘sticking to the feet of’; cf.श्री-विष्णु-पदी)
   a step, [R.]
   a fourth part, a quarter, [AV.] ; [ŚBr.]
पद्   [cf.पद; Gk.πούς, ποδ-ός; Lat.pes, ped-is; Goth.fôtus; Angl.Sax.fôt; Eng.foot; Germ.Fuss.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पद् [pad]   I. 1 Ā. (पदयते) To go or move. -II. 4. Ā. (पद्यते, पन्न; caus. पादयति-ते; desid, पित्सते)
   To go, move.
   To go to, approach (with acc.)
   To attain, obtain, gain; ज्योतिषामाधिपत्यं च प्रभावं चाप्यपद्यत [Mb.]
   To observe, practise; स्वधर्मं पद्यमानास्ते [Mb.]
   Ved. To fall down with fatigue.
   Ved. To perish.
   To fall out. -III. 1 P. (पदति) To stand fast or fixed.
पद् [pad]  m. m. [पद्-क्विप्] (This word has no forms for the first five inflections; it is optionally substituted for पद after acc. dual)
   A foot.
   A quarter, a fourth part (as of a stanza). -Comp.
-काषिन्   a.
   rubbing or scratching the feet.
   going on foot, pedestrian. (-m.) a footman; पत्काषिणस्तीर्थजलाऽर्थमाशु [Bk.3.4.]
-गः (पद्गः)   a foot-soldier.
   जः (ज्जः) a footman.
   a Śūdra; cf. पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत.
-नद्धा, -नध्री   a shoe, boot.-निष्कः one quarter of a Niṣka.
-रथः (पद्रथः)   a footsoldier, footman; त्वं पद्रथानां किल यूथपाधिपः [Bhāg.3.18.] 12.
-शब्दः   noise of footsteps.
-हतिः, -ती  f. f. (
   पद्धतिः, ती) a way, path, road, course (fig. also); इयं हि रघुसिंहानां वीरचारित्रपद्धतिः [U.5.22;] [R.3.46;6.55;11.87;] कविप्रथमपद्धतिम् 15.33; 'the first way shown to poets'.
   a line, row, range.
   a surname, title or epithet, a word denoting caste or profession in compounds which are used as proper names; e. g. गुप्त, दास, दत्त &c.
  N. N. of a class of writings.
-हिमम् (पद्धिमम्)   coldness of the feet.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पद्  n.  (-द् or -त्) A foot.
   E. पद् to go, aff. क्विप्; also पद; or it is considered as an irregular substitute for पाद.
पद् क्विप्; पद; पाद

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