व्य्-आ-√ पद् aĀ. -पद्यते, to fall away, fall into misfortune, perish, be lost, fail, miscarry,
[MBh.] ;
[Suśr.] ;
to disappear, be changed into another sound or symbol,
[RPrāt.,] Sch. (
cf. व्य्-आपन्न) :
Caus. -पादयति, to cause to perish, make worse, injure, hurt, spoil, kill, destroy,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv. &c.] व्य्-आपद् f. bf. (
cf. वि-पद्) misfortune, calamity, derangement, disorder, failure, ruin, death,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv. &c.]