परि-वृत्ति f. f. turning, rolling, revolution,
[MBh.] ;
[Śiś.] return (into this world),
[Āpast.] °त्त्या n. exchange, barter (
ind. alternately),
[BhP.] moving to and fro or staying or dwelling in a place,
[MBh.] end, termination,
[Kir.] surrounding, encompassing,
rhet. ) a kind of figure in which one thing is represented as exchanged with another (
e.g. [Mālav. iii, 16] ;
cf. [Vām. iv, 3, 16] )
वृष-लाञ्छन substitution of one word for another without affecting the sense (
e.g. for
[Kpr.] °वर्तिका contraction of the prepuce, phimosis (= ),
[Suśr.] परि-वृत्ति m. m.w.r. for