तामिस्र m. mfn. (
fr. तम्° and त॑मिस्राg. ज्योत्स्ना-दि) (with पक्ष) or m. the dark half of the month, [Lāṭy. ix] ; [Gobh. iii f.] ; [MBh. iii, 11813]
तामिस्र m. m. ‘nightwalker’, a राक्षस, [Ragh. xv, 2]
n. (in सांख्य
phil. ) indignation, anger (one of the 5 forms of अ-विद्या), [MBh. xiv, 1019] ; [Sāṃkhyak.] ; [Tattvas.] ; [BhP. iii] (also n.), [MārkP. iii l]
N. of a hell, [Mn. iv, xii] ; [Yājñ. iii, 222] ; [BhP. iii., v] ; [MārkP.]
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