Dictionaries | References


   { parpaṭḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पर्पट  m. m. a species of medicinal plant, [Suśr.] (Hedyotis Burmanniana or Mollugo Pentaphylla, [L.] )
   a kind of thin cake made of rice or pease-meal and baked in grease, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पर्पटः [parpaṭḥ]   1 A kind of medicinal plant.
   A thin crisp cake made of flour (Mar. पाप़ड); Gaṇeśa P.; stuffed with seasamum; तिलतिलकितपर्पटाभमिन्दुं वितर [N.16.149.]
   टी A kind of fragrant earth.
   A kind of perfume.-Comp.
-ओदनः   rice mixed with पर्पट (Mar. वडाभात); पर्पटौदनपूजायां जलहोमेन सिद्धिदा D. Purāṇa. Chap.5.
-द्रुमः   a kind of tree. (कुम्भीवृक्ष).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पर्पट  m.  (-टः) A medicinal plant with bitter leaves, (apparently the Oldenlandia biflora, though the Hindi name Pāpar is also applied to the Gardenia latifolia, Rox.)
  f.  (-टी)
   1. A thin crisp cake made of any pulse.
   2. A red aluminous earth, apparently a sort of Bol, brought from Surāt or Saurāshtra.
   E. पर्प् to go, and अटन् Unādi aff. “क्षेतपापडा” .
पर्प् अटन् “क्षेतपापडा” .

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