पिङ्गल mfn. (
-लः-ला-लं) Of tawny colour, brown, yellowish.
m. (
1. Tawny, (the colour,) a dull brown, or yellow.
2. An attendant upon the sun.
3. The sun.
4. A fabulous being in the form of a Nāga or serpent of lower regions, to whom a treatise on prosody is ascribed; he hence considered as a Muni, or inspired and divine personage.
5. A name of ŚIVA.
6. One of KUVERA'S divine treassures.
7. A monkey.
8. Fire.
9. An ichneumon. 10. A sort of poison.
11. A small owl.
12. The 51st year of the Hindu cycle.
n. (
1. Brass.
2. Yellow orpiment.
f. (
1. The female elephant of the south quarter. 2. A pious whore, commemorated in the Bhāgavata.
3. A particular vessel of the body, the right of three canals which run from the os-coccygis; to the head, and which are the chief passages of breath and air, according to the anatomy of the Yoga school of philosophy.
4. An astrological house or period. 5. The Sisu tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.)
6. Heartpea.
7. A kind of owl. 8. A kind of metal.
E. पिजि to colour, Unādi aff.
अलच्; or
पिङ्गल of a tawny hue, fem. aff.
पिजि अलच्; पिङ्गल टाप्