प्रति-√ हृ P. Ā. -हरति, °ते (ind.p. प्रती-हारम्, [Kauś.] ; inf. प्रति-हर्तवे, [BhP.] ), to throw back, [AV.] ; to strike or pound, [Kauś.] ; to keep shut, close by pressure (an udder), [TāṇḍBr.] ; to bring back, [Lāṭy.] ; to deliver, offer, present, [BhP.] ; to procure, ib.; (Ā. ) to take i.e. eat, [ChUp.] ; to join in the सामन् hymns as प्रतिहर्तृ (See below), [Lāṭy.] : Caus. हारयति, to have one's self announced to (gen. ), [Jātakam.] : Desid. -जिहीर्षति, to wish to requite or revenge, [MBh.] (cf. प्रति-जिहीर्षु).