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   { prasṛ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-√ सृ   P.-सिसर्ति, (only Ved.) and सरति (sometimes also Ā.°ते), to move forwards, advance (‘for’ or ‘against’ acc.), proceed (lit. and fig.), spring up, come forth, issue from (abl.), appear, rise, spread, extend, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to break out (as fire, a disease &c.), [MBh.] ; [Pañcat.] (v.l.);
to be displaced (as the humours of the boy), [Suśr.] ;
to be diffused (as odour), [Kathās.] ;
to pass. elapse (as night), [Vikr.] ;
to commence, begin, [Bhartṛ.] ; [Kathās.] (also Pass.e.g.प्रा-सारि याज्ञह्, ‘the sacrifice began’ [ŚBr.] );
to prevail, hold good, take place, [Sarvad.] ;
to stretch out (hands), [RV.] ;
to agree, promise, [Inscr.] :
Caus.-सारयति, to stretch out, extend, [VS.] &c. &c.;
to spread out, expose (wares &c. for sale), [Mn.] ; [R.] &c.;
to open wide (eyes, mouth, &c.), [Mṛcch.] ; [BhP.] ;
to diffuse, circulate, exhibit, [Var.] ; [Śaṃk.] ;
to prosecute, transact, [Kād.] ;
(in gram.) to change a semivowel into the corresponding vowel, [Pat.] :
Intens. (-सस्रे, °राते, °राण) to extend, be protracted, last, [RV.]
प्र √ सृ


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रसृ [prasṛ]   1 P. To flow forth, spring, arise, proceed; लोहिताद्या महानद्यः प्रसस्रुस्तत्र चासकृत् [Mb.]
   To go forth, advance; वेलानिलाय प्रसृता भुजङ्गाः [R.13.12;] अन्वेषणप्रसृते च मित्रगणे [Dk.]
   To spread, spread round; कृशानुः किं साक्षात् प्रसरति दिशो नैष नियतम् [K. P.1;] प्रसरति तृणमध्ये लब्ध- वृद्धिः क्षणेन (दवाग्निः) [Ṛs.1.25.]
   To spread, prevail, pervade; प्रसरति परिमाथी कोऽप्ययं देहदाहः [Māl.1.41;] भित्त्वा भित्त्वा प्रसरति बलात् कोऽपि चेतोविकारः [U.3.36.]
   To be stretched, to extend; न मे हस्तौ प्रसरतः [Ś.2.]
   To be disposed or inclined to (do a thing), move; न मे उचितेषु करणीयेषु हस्तपादं प्रसरति [Ś.4;] प्रसरति मनः कायारम्भं [Pt.3.] 181.
   To prevail, begin, commence; प्रससार चोत्सवः [Ks.16.85.]
   To be long, be lengthened; यदि तु तव समागमे तथैव प्रसरति सुभ्रु ततः कृती भवेयम् [V.3.22.]
   To grow strong or intense; प्रसृततरं सख्यम् [Dk.]
   To pass away (as time).
   To break forth or out (as fire).
   To be displaced (as the humours of the body).-Caus.
   to spread, stretch; जलनिधिवेगसहं प्रसार्य देहम् [Bk.1.44.]
   To stretch forward, extend, hold out (as the hand); कालः सर्वजनान् प्रसारितकरो गृह्णाति दूरादपि [Pt.2.2.]
   To spread out or expose for sale; क्रेतारः क्रीणीयुरिति बुद्ध्या आपणे प्रसारितं क्रय्यम् Sk.; [Ms.5.129;] वणिजो न प्रसारयन् [Rām.2.48.4.]
   To open wide, expand (as eyes).
   To publish, promulgate.
   To prosecute.
   (In gram.) To change a semi-vowel into the corresponding vowel.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : स्रु, प्रथ्

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